
Creates face with rectangular parameterization in HyperMesh database.


bool CreateGeomFaceUntrimmed(
HM_EntityGeomFace& new_face,
const HM_EntityGeometrySurface& base_surf,
const double* u_start_param,
const double* u_end_param,
const double* v_start_param,
const double* v_end_param,
bool surf_sense,
HM_EntityComponent comp


HyperMesh Ext API


Both u_start_param and u_end_param must be NULL or not NULL at the same time. If both parameters are NULL then default range of U parameter of the surface is used to create the face.

Both v_start_param and v_end_param must be NULL or not NULL at the same time. If both parameters are NULL then default range of V parameter of the surface is used to create the face.

Default range of U and V parameters depends on the surface type. If the surface does not have parametric bounds in one or both parameters (PLANE, CYLINDER, CONE, EXTRUDED_SURFACE) then the range 0…1 is used to create the face in the function CreateGeomFaceUntrimmed.

Direction of the geometric normal of the surface is defined by the surface parameterization function S(U, V) as the direction of the cross-product of parametric derivatives:

N = ∂S(U, V)/∂U X ∂S(U, V)/∂V

The function HM_ExtAPI::GeomSurfaceGetParameterBounds can be used to get default parameterization of the surface.

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode.

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[out] - Handle to new face object.
[in] - Handle to surface object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[in] - If not NULL then points to the smaller of the two parameters that define extent on U parameter of rectangular parametric region of the surface used to create the face.
[in] - If not NULL then points to the larger of the two parameters that define extent on U parameter of rectangular parametric region of the surface used to create the face.
[in] - If not NULL then points to the smaller of the two parameters that define extent on V parameter of rectangular parametric region of the surface used to create the face.
[in] - If not NULL then points to the larger of the two parameters that define extent on V parameter of rectangular parametric region of the surface used to create the face.
[in] - Defines normal direction of created face. The parameter can have one of following values.
True: Normal direction of created face is the same as geometric normal of the surface base_surf used to create the face.
False: Normal direction of created face is reversed with respect to geometric normal of the surface base_surf used to create the face.
[in] - If not NULL then component where the face is created. If NULL then the line is created in current component.

