Exploded View

Use the Explode tool to explode a model or selected components for improved visualization.

You can then continue to select entities and perform post-processing procedures on the exploded model. Multiple explosions can be saved as part of a session file (*.mvw file) to be used later for design review or presentations.

The explosions defined for the current model are listed in the Explosions list. Customized explosions can be added or deleted to the list. Radio buttons allow you to select which explosion will currently be displayed in the graphics window. You can also sort the items in the Explosions list by clicking on one of the list headings. In addition, keyboard shortcuts and a context menu are available for items within the list.

From the Visualization toolbar, click Exploded View .

Explode a Model or Component

  1. From the Exploded View panel, click Add.
    A new explosion is added to the Explosions list as the active explosion.
  2. Click the Components input collector and select the entire model or individual components to be included in the explosion.
  3. Select an explosion mode.
    The following options determine the origin and orientation of the explosion.
    Option Description
    Translate Defines the direction and distance (measured by model units) of the model translation.
    Explode from model center The origin of the explosion will be at the center of the model.

    For Scale factor, select Component and enter the x, y, z coordinates, or select Uniform and enter the corresponding value (scale factor).

    Explode from selection center The origin of the explosion will be at the center of the selected component.

    For Scale factor, select Component and enter the x, y, z coordinates, or select Uniform and enter the corresponding value (scale factor).

    Tip: Each time an explosion is added or deleted, the view is adjusted so that the exploded model fits in the window by default. If the Auto fit option is not selected, the view is not adjusted and parts of the model could move out of the window.
  4. Click the explosion control buttons, - +, to translate or explode the model.
    The model explosion moves in (-) and out (+) based on the mode and distance (measured in model units) or the designated scale factor.
  5. Optional: Click Reset to return to the default settings.

Apply an Automatic Explosion

In the Exploded View panel, activate the Automatic Explosion option in the Explosions list.
The explosion is applied to the entire model using pre-defined settings for center of gravity, direction, and magnitude.

Delete an Explosion

  1. In the Exploded View panel, select an explosion from the Explosions list.
    Tip: Multiple explosions can be selected to be deleted.
  2. Delete the explosion(s) using one of the following methods.
    • Click Delete (located at the bottom of the panel).
    • Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
    The selected explosion is removed from the list.

Clear an Explosion

In the Exploded View panel, activate the Clear Explosion option in the Explosions list.
The active explosion is cleared and no explosion is applied and the model.

Access the Context Menu

  1. From the Exploded View panel, right-click anywhere within the Explosions list.
    The context menu is displayed.
  2. Click on one of the available options.
    Delete Deletes the selected explosion(s) from the list.
    Rename Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected explosion.
    Make Current Makes the currently selected explosion active and displays it in the modeling window.
    Note: This option performs the same action as clicking the radio button "on" next to an explosion.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls

Keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls are also available for selecting items within the Explosions list.


To do this Press
Select multiple explosions Press the Shift or Ctrl + Left Mouse Click
Select all explosions Press the Ctrl + A