Spreadsheet Model

Use the Spreadsheet model to perform calculations.

Microsoft Office
File Extension
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .xlsm
Multi-Execute Support
Response Definition Support
Registration Steps
Usability Characteristics
  • Input variable and output response cells are identified by the user.
  • When creating a Spreadsheet model an input variable's value and label can be formatted in two consecutive rows or two consecutive columns. Input variable labels should only contain English characters, or a combination of English characters and numbers. If you do not create a label for a variable, HyperStudy will assign one by default.
  • On a Windows operating system, Spreadsheet models will be brought to the front. HyperStudy will prevent you from accessing any spreadsheets that you had opened prior to or after (by double-clicking) starting your current HyperStudy session.

    To access an Excel spreadsheet while running a study with Spreadsheet models, you must explicitly start a new session of Excel.

  • Windows platform only
  • Support for VB macros