Once the study Setup is complete, an unlimited combination of approaches can be added to a study. A study approach
is a specific set of steps taken to study the mathematical model of a design.
A study is a self-contained project in which models, variables, output responses, and
approaches are defined.
A study is saved into a XML file, with a .hstudy extension. A
study file contains a structured list of study statements.
Tip: To
generate the structure of study files, pass the argument
–xmltag to HyperStudy batch. It writes out the
.hstudy file in the current working directory with all
of the structural XML elements.
Setup the Study
Before you can create approaches you must first setup your Study by defining input variables and output responses.
Setup the Approaches
Once the study Setup is complete, an unlimited combination of approaches can be added to a study. A study approach is a specific set of steps taken to study the mathematical model of a design.