Optimization Controls
Optimization control entities define and store controls for optimization problem run.
Optimization controls do not have a display state in the modeling window.
Nastran Cards
Card | Description |
DOPTPRM | Overrides default values of parameters used in design optimization. |
OptiStruct Cards
Card | Description |
DOPTPRM | Defines design optimization parameters by overriding the
defaults. Note: Bulk Data Entry
If an unsupported argument is encountered on importing a DOPTPRM card, the data is stored as UNSUPPORTED_DOPTPRM on the DOPTPRM card. It is also possible to create an unsupported DOPTPRM card using the UNSUPPORTED_DOPTPRM option on the opticontrol card image. |
DOPTPRM, NESLEXPD | Specifies the number of time steps retained for
optimization from each EXPDYN subcase. Note: Bulk Data Entry
DOPTPRM, NESLIMPD | Specifies the number of time steps retained for
optimization from each IMPDYN subcase. Note: Bulk Data Entry
DOPTPRM, NESLNLGM | Specifies the number of time steps retained for
optimization from each NLGEOM subcase. Note: Bulk Data Entry
Card | Description |
BULK | Used to insert bulk format data. |
BULKFMT | Used to define different OptiStruct formats (FREE, LARGEFREE, FIXED, or LARGEFIXED) during the Radioss-to-OptiStruct conversion. |
BULKMAT | Used to insert bulk format material card. |
BULKPROP | Used to insert bulk format property card. |
ESLPART | This keyword defines parts in the model, which will be included in ESLM optimization. |