Objective entities define and store an objective for an optimization problem.
Objectives do not have a display state in the modeling window.
Nastran Cards
Card | Description |
DESOBJ | Selects the DRESP1 or DRESP2 entry to
be used as the design objective. Note: Objective function, can be in or out of the
load step; Belongs in the subcase section.
MAXMIN | Objective functions for maxmin problems. |
MINMAX | Objective functions for minmax problems. |
OptiStruct Cards
Card | Description |
DESOBJ | Selects a single response definition as the objective
function of an optimization, or to select system response definitions when the
objective function is the least squares sum of these definitions. The
DESOBJ command also indicates if this response is to be
minimized or maximized. Note: Subcase Information Entry
MINMAX or MAXMIN | Selects normalized response or system
identification definitions as the objective function for a "Minmax" or "Maxmin"
optimization. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Card | Description |
DESOBJ | Specifies a response as the objective function of an optimization. |