The Parametric Model Class - Suspension Model

The parametric model class for this example is shown below. The default values for the design variables and their limits were provided by the suspension designer.

class MV3010 (object):
 def __init__(self,
  label      = 'PID',
  mass       = 2,   
  kp         = 0,   } The default values for the design variables
  ki         = 0.5, } The default values for the design variables
  kd         = 0,   } The default values for the design variables
  force      = 1

  self.mass = mass   } Store the design with the instance = kp       } Store the design with the instance = ki       } Store the design with the instance 
  self.kd = kd       } Store the design with the instance
  self.force_mag = force } Store the design with the instance