HyperWorks Solver Run Manager

The HyperWorks Solver Run Manager is a unified utility that allows the user to start different HyperWorks Solvers.

A separate Run Manager is not required to run different solvers (OptiStruct, Radioss, and so on). It is recommended that only a single instance of the Run Manager is started on any machine. Jobs for different solvers can be added in to the same queue.

A simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) called the HyperWorks Solver Run Manager is available on all platforms. It can be started on Windows through Start > Programs > HyperWorks 2019 > <solver name>. On all platforms, it can be started using the command line:
<install_dir>/altair/scripts/<solver name> -gui
<install_dir>/hwsolvers/scripts/<solver name>.bat -gui
It is also possible to install a desktop shortcut icon or a toolbar launcher.

Main Window

When a HyperWorks Solver is started using the methods specified in the previous section, the HyperWorks Solver Run Manager is displayed first (Figure 1). To begin, select the Input file(s) for the run using the file browser button. The Run Manager automatically selects the appropriate solver based on the file extension of the selected input file.

Figure 1. HyperWorks Solver Run Manager

The required options for the run can be entered into the Options field or selected from the Available Options window accessed by clicking .

The checkboxes below the Options field are available to avoid having to type specific options.
Automatically adds option allowing an SMP run: -nt N, where the value for N can be selected in the Preferences editor.
Use MPI options
Automatically creates an SMPD run: usually this requires several options, so these options can be prepared in the Preferences editor in advance and used when appropriate.
Use solver control
(same as -screen option) Uses Solver Control form which provides additional interactive control for OptiStruct and Radioss solvers (STOP, PAUSE, etc.). It is recommended to leave this box selected for all solver runs.
Schedule delay
Allows you to delay all jobs in the queue (which are not currently running) up to a predefined time (one week maximum).

Each selection is only effective if appropriate, the options are not used if they are not germane to the selected solver. The selections can also be overridden when such options are entered manually into the Options field (presumably with different values); however when any SPMD related option is used in the Options field, then selected options via Use MPI options from the Edit > Preferences path will be skipped entirely. The effect of these selectable options is not shown in the Options field, nor is it stored in the history or queue manager, but they are appended to the command line at the moment when the solver is actually started.

Clicking Run starts the solver and opens a separate progress window called HyperWorks Solver View.

Solver View Form

Solver runs performed through the HyperWorks Solver Run Manager will not use any xterm or a DOS window (the only exception is a DOS window appearing during certain MPI commands). All output from solver runs is captured by the Run Manager and presented appropriately using its own windows. By default, each solver run is performed in the HyperWorks Solver View utility, shown in Figure 2 during an OptiStruct run.

Figure 2. HyperWorks Solver View After Completed Run
The top section of the form shows several fields containing the actual name of the Solver binary, name of the Input file, the Run command line with all options used to start the solver, and the estimated Progress of the solution. There are two text fields in the center of the form; the Message log field shows messages from the solver (usually warnings and errors), while the Optimization summary field shows a table representing the convergence of solutions for different subcases in each optimization step. The Graph button inside the Optimization summary window allows you to open a simple X-Y plot and browse the dynamic convergence of various variables displayed in the Optimization summary window.

The Run summary field represents the standard screen output from the solver. For OptiStruct, it is recommended to use the option -out to increase the amount of information printed to the screen.

Three buttons in the bottom row (Abort, Stop, and Pause) are only visible while the solver is running. These buttons communicate with the solver through an intermediate control file, and the amount of time it takes for the solver to react to these commands may vary, especially for large jobs. When the solver run is finished, an additional Results button may appear. The Results button appears only if the job contains at least one Output Request. It does not appear for OptiStruct check runs.
Stops the solver immediately. This may prevent solver from removing all scratch/temporary files and results files will not be available.
Terminate at the end of the current optimization iteration. All output files are created as if the run converged successfully.
Pause the run.
Provides an easy way to start HyperWorks (HyperGraph or HyperView) depending on which output files were created by the solver.
Allows you to select some other output files, either from the prepared list, or through the browser.
The Graph button inside the Optimization summary window allows you to open a simple X-Y plot and browse the dynamic convergence of various variables displayed in the Optimization summary window.
The browser recognizes typical HyperWorks file extensions, and uses HyperView or HyperGraph to open files with extensions .h3d or .mvw. For other files, it opens a simple text viewer with search capability. The output file name(s) can be changed by the user, for example, using the -outfile command or by the controls in the input deck. In such cases, if the new names do not match the input file name, the Solver View utility will not be able to locate them automatically. The View > Browse option can be used to view such output files.

Figure 3. Simple Text Viewer with Example of an .out File

The Solver View form controls are solver dependent. See Control File (C-File). Some fields and options are available only during runs using certain solvers. For example, the Message log, Optimization summary fields and the Graph button are displayed only during OptiStruct runs. Stop, Abort, and other similar options appear only during OptiStruct and Radioss runs.

Interactive Options Selector

To open the options selector, select View > Select Options on the main form or click to the right of the Options field.

Figure 4. Interactive Available Options Selector
This form contains options applicable and selective to a particular solver, so the input file has to be selected for the Run Manager to choose an appropriate set of options. After selecting any option, an additional form appears if a value for the option is required. You can type a value in the field, or select from the list of available options. In cases where a value is optional, the None button on the form may be used. Note that the selection of any option automatically disables incompatible options in the list. After options are transferred to the main form, it is possible to manually edit the contents of this field on the main form if required.
Apply Options
Copies all options to the main form.
Append Options
Appends options to the content of this field.
Warning: Care must be taken to avoid duplicate options in the field which will cause an error when starting the solver.

Edit Preferences Form

There are a number of options stored externally by the Run Manager, which can be edited using the Edit Preferences form. These options are stored in the hwsolv_gui.cfg file, which is located with other HyperWorks configuration files.

Figure 5. Edit Preferences Form

The options in the Solver Preferences section controls solver runs: allowing you to specify the number of simultaneous runs, number of processors for the SMP run, the list of predefined options for the MPI run, and the use of Solver View. These options are also solver-specific and inapplicable options are greyed out for certain solvers. The Form Preferences section controls the behavior of Log windows (discussed below), the maximum length of stored history, and user preference for the editor used to edit input files (available through the Edit menu on the main form). The default editor is wordpad.exe on Windows, and gedit on Linux, but any window editor can be used, although 'vi' and its variants are not accepted, because they do not use a standalone window.

History and Queue Manager

Run Manager maintains a history of runs executed from the main form. Three different lists are maintained:

  1. Run History

    Figure 6. Run History Window (Run Manager-> View-> History)
  2. Favorites

    Figure 7. Favorites Window (Run Manager-> View-> Favorites)
  3. Jobs Submitted during the current session (queue)

    Figure 8. Jobs Submitted to Queue
    Lines showing queue in the Status column represent jobs submitted but waiting for previous runs to finish (Submitting Multiple Solver Runs).
    All three forms have a similar set of control buttons:
    Copy Options/Copy File and Options
    Transfers the data for the selected run to the main form, allowing you to repeat the run either after editing the input file or choosing a different file in which to use the same run options.
    Add to Favorites
    Transfers the data to the Favorites form.
    Remove the selected line from history or favorites, respectively. On the third form, it allows you to remove a job from the queue before it starts.

Submitting Multiple Solver Runs

The Run Manager allows for the start of multiple jobs, and maintains the queue of jobs in order to avoid machine overload. Submit multiple jobs by selecting multiple files in file browser (hold CTRL button and click), or submit (add to queue) after starting the first run.

Run Manager will normally queue all submitted jobs, meaning it will start the next run after the previous one completes. Specify the maximum number of simultaneous jobs allowed using the Preferences form. Run Manager does not monitor the total load of the computer, only the jobs submitted to the queue. It is highly recommended not to start multiple instances of Run Manager, as each would maintain an independent queue (and could overload the host with multiple runs). On Unix, the Run Manager will check and warn if another instance for the host is already running, however this test will not detect instances running remotely (by different users or on different displays).

Scheduling Jobs with Delay

The Schedule delay option on the main Run Manager form opens a small window where it is possible to schedule when all submitted jobs will start. Setting this delay will not affect jobs which are already running, but it will delay all jobs waiting in the queue and all jobs which are added while the delay is in effect.

Figure 9.

Figure 10.

Figure 11. Using the Schedule Delay Option

The Set start time field can be used to set the time delay in various input formats.

Example formats - 5 minutes, 3600 seconds, 10 hours, 2 days, 6 pm, Tuesday 3 pm, tomorrow 15:00, Dec 15 8pm are examples of valid inputs. The maximum available delay is 7 days.

Maintaining Log and Help Windows

Each solver run starts a log window, which is normally hidden. If a job is started without the -screen option (the Use solver control option is not checked), then output from the solver goes to the log window, which is then automatically visible. The log window is automatically posted to the screen if the solver fails. Log windows are most useful when a solver fails to run and there is not enough information in the output file.

Main menu logs enable you to control all log windows. They can all be posted or hidden using this menu. Although each log window has an X button in the top right corner, this button hides the window; it does not delete it. The window can be posted again using Logs > Show All. Selecting Logs > Delete Log Windows for Completed Jobs will permanently delete all log windows for jobs which have already completed solver execution.

Figure 12. Accessing Log Files from the Run Manager
A similar text window is available for a variety of help related information. From the main menu, the following options use Help windows:
  • Solver > Show Solver Versions
  • Solver > Show Available Executables

    This option can be used to find all different solver binaries available in the HyperWorks installation for a given platform. Run Manager will automatically pick the newest executable applicable for a selected run (e.g. for the selected SPMD run). This choice can be changed using -v -altver -sp options, whenever applicable. MotionSolve does not allow such a choice, but OptiStruct and Radioss come with different versions and after installing Service Packs, older executables remain in place and can be selected using the -v option.

  • Help > Usage Help
  • Help > Solver Options Help

All Help windows are automatically removed from the screen after 30 seconds. This timeout can be disabled or enabled for both Help and Log windows in the Preferences form, the time to trigger removal can also be adjusted.

Submitting Solver Jobs to Remote Hosts

Run Manager does not allow for the submission of jobs to remote hosts. However, on Unix, it is possible to start Run Manager on a remote host and display to a local screen. If the local screen is a Windows machine, then the X server application has to be used. In this configuration, Run Manager will control job submission for the remote host. Run Managers from multiple hosts can be displayed on the same screen, and each will run independently. The title bar for the main form, shows the hostname of the computer where Run Manager is used. All operations will be performed on a remote host – in particular, editor or HyperWorks visualization will be performed remotely and display will be redirected to your screen. Note that such remote usage may affect possible license stacking for the HyperWorks licensing system.

When running jobs on a remote machine, connection to the host must remain open until the last solver run is complete. The Run Manager will not work if a log out occurs, or if a laptop is disconnected from the network. Such usage is only possible through PBS or a similar queuing system.

Quick Solver Start via Desktop Icon

In a windowed environment it is possible to drag a file from the file browser onto the icon (desktop shortcut) representing HyperWorks Solver Run Manager. This will immediately start a simple solver run; no command arguments can be added to such a run, so it is not possible to start an SPMD run this way, for example. The only two arguments appended to the command line in drag and drop run are:
This run is always executed with Solver View window (no log window exists in such case).
-nt N
It is possible to start the SMP run – only if this option is enabled for drag and drop runs through the Preferences form.
Note: Jobs submitted this way are never queued or stored in the history list. This method of interaction is completely independent from Run Manager.
The Desktop icon or Quick Launch icon can be created on Windows by copying any solver command from the HyperWorks menu as a shortcut. It is also possible to create such a launcher on Linux and other Unix installations; consult your Unix system documentation for details. The actual command field on such a launcher should contain the following text:
<install_dir>/scripts/hw_wish <install_dir>hwsolvers/scripts/hwsolver.tcl -icon

Where, <install_dir> is the top directory path to the HyperWorks installation.

Graph - Optimization/Convergence Summary

The Graph button inside the Summary window allows you to open a simple X-Y plot and browse the dynamic convergence of various variables displayed in the Summary window.

Figure 13. Optimization Summary Graph Button

The Graph function is available only when convergence data are available and it provides a graphical way to visualize the convergence process.

Hovering over any point on the graph displays the iteration number and the tracked variable value and possibly grid/element identification number if applicable.

Four buttons at the left bottom corner of graph window enable you to:
  • (Lin) or (Log) switch between Linear and Log-Linear plot. In Log mode the sign of traced variable is removed (all values are treated as non-negative)
  • (<) and (>) zoom plot on the left or right range of values
  • (x) reset to full range of values

AcuSolve Run

In HyperWorks 2019, Run Manager also allows you to start AcuSolve. For this, the AcuSolve input file (name.inp) must match the problem name (defined in the Acusim.cnf file) and the Use solver control option should be selected. It is acceptable to select either the .inp file (name.inp) or the Acusim.cnf file (which defines problem name parameter (problem = <name>) as the input file.

When AcuSolve is executed multiple times in the same location, result file IDs are incremented. A new option on the View menu (Disk Inspector) is designed specifically for the AcuSolve runs - it allows you to inspect the content of the run folder, and optionally inspect or delete content of specific runs by their ID.

Multiphysics Co-simulation

The Run Manager allows you to start a co-simulation run for two separate solvers. In the current release, the two possible types of co-simulation are:
  • AcuSolve with OptiStruct
  • AcuSolve with MotionSolve
To activate co-simulation, from the Co-simulation menu, select FSI-AcuSolve.

Figure 14.

The upper two fields represent the structural solver (OptiStruct or MotionSolve) while the next two lines allow to select the input file for AcuSolve. The toggles in the next line (Use SMP ... Use MPI ... ) apply to the structural solver only.

Selecting Run submits a job to the internal queue as if it was a single solver run. It is possible to mix co-simulation runs with standard runs in the queue. When the Run Manager initiates a run, the job automatically starts two solver runs, as well as the required middleware (for a MotionSolve co-simulation run). When such a job runs, two SolverView forms and two independent log files are created. Both SolverView forms will show the options Abort, Kill, etc., and each of them will control the corresponding single solver only.