Customizable Solver Models
Parametric Objects and Models
- The material is steel. Its density: rho=7800 Kg/m3
- The radius of the sphere is: r
- The mass of the sphere is: m = (4/3) * pi * r3 * rho Kg
- The inertia of the sphere about is center is: Ixx = Iyy = Izz = ½ * m * r2
def sphere (r, rho, loc, label):
mass = (4/3) * math.pi * (r**3) * rho
ixx = iyy = izz = 0.5 * mass * r**2
sphere = Part (mass=mass, ip=[ixx,iyy,izz], label=label) = Marker (part=sphere, qp=loc, label=label + "_CM")
return sphere
# Steel sphere of radius 0.1 m (10 cm)
r1 = 0.10
rho1 = 7800
loc1 = [0,10,-25]
sph1 = sphere (r1, rho1, loc1, "Steel-Sphere")
# Aluminum sphere of radius 0.05 m (5 cm)
r2 = 0.05
rho2 = 2700
loc2 = [23, 34, 45]
sph2 = sphere (r2, rho2, loc2, "Aluminum-Sphere")
Designable Objects and Models
A designable object is one for which MotionSolve knows the parametric relationships. As a consequence, MotionSolve also knows how to calculate the sensitivity of any system response with respect to the design variables used to parameterize the object.
- Create design variables - this is a new class of objects recently introduced in MotionSolve.
- Parameterize your model using design variables.
- At the model level, create response variables.
- Perform a simulation with DSA (Design Sensitivity Analysis) turned on.
- MotionSolve will compute the sensitivity of the response variables to a change in the design variables. This information is made available to you in a variety of ways.
- Design variables
- A design variable (Dv) is an object that contains a label and value. The
label is the name of the Dv, and the value is the value of the Dv. Here is
an example of a design
bx = Dv ( label="X coordinate of Point B", b=1.0/math.sqrt(2))
- Points and Vectors
- Much of the modeling and parameterization in MotionView is done with points and vectors. The
MotionSolve-Python interface supports point
and vector classes. These helper classes are provided to simplify MotionSolve models and easily capture MotionView model parameterization in MotionSolve models.
- Vector Class
- A vector is an object that has a magnitude and a direction. In this release, vectors are always defined in the global reference frame. They do not rotate or move with any body in the model.
- Point class
- A Point is a location in space. It is represented
as list of 3 real values. Point does not accept any other data
types. The three values are the coordinates of the location in
space with respect to some other point. Whenever operations are
to be performed with points, you have to make sure all point
coordinates are expressed in the same coordinate system. Point
supports many methods so you can use it in a variety of ways.
Here are some built-in methods for points.
Creating a Point Create a copy of a Point Indexing into a Point >>> p=Point(1,2,3) >>> P Point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) >>> q=Vector(-3,0,1) >>> v Point (-3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
>>>r = p.copy() >>> r Point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
>>> u.x 1 >>> u.y 2 >>> u[2] 3
Unary minus Addition Subtraction >>> -P Point (-1.0, -2.0, -3.0)
>>> p+q Point (-2.0, 2.0, 4.0)
>>> p-q Point (4.0, 2.0, 2.0)
Distance between 2 points (Distance) Along Scaling >>> p.distanceTo(q) 4.898979485566356 >>> q.distanceTo(p) 4.898979485566356
>>> p.along(q, 10) Point (5.08248290464, -2.08248290464, -5.16496580928)
>>> p*10 Vector (10.0, 20.0, 30.0) >>> p.scale(10) Vector (10.0, 20.0, 30.0
Designable Entities using Point and Vector
>>> px = Dv (b=1)
>>> py = Dv (b=2)
>>> pz = Dv (b=3)
>>> p = Point(px,py,pz)
>>> p
Point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
>>> #Create a Part
>>> p2 = Part (mass=1, ip=[1e-4,1e-4,1e-4])
>>> = Marker (body=p2)
>>> #Create a designable Marker - its origin and orientation are designable
>>> p2.left = Marker (body=p2, qp=p, zp=p+[0,0,1], label="Left end")
>>> p2.left.qp
Point (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Now you can do Design Sensitivity Analysis with these designable MBS entities. The Python Interface has the ability to capture all reasonable MotionView parameterization in a MotionSolve model.
def cyl_mass_prop (l, r, rho):
calculate mass properties of a cylinder, given
(1) length = l
(2) radius = r
(3) density =rho
r2 = r*r
l2 = l*l
mass = math.pi * r2 * l * rho
ixx = iyy = mass * (3 * r2 + l2) / 12
izz = mass * r2 / 2
return mass, ixx, iyy, izz
# Define the design variables (Units are Kg-mm-sec-Newton)
ax = Dv ( label="X coordinate of Point A", b=0)
ay = Dv ( label="Y coordinate of Point A", b=0)
bx = Dv ( label="X coordinate of Point B", b=40)
by = Dv ( label="Y coordinate of Point B", b=200)
rad = Dv ( label="Cylinder radius", b=10)
rho = Dv ( label="Cylinder density", b=7.8E-6)
# Define the points A, B
pa = Point (ax,ay,0) # 0, 0, 0
pb = Point (bx,by,0) # 40, 200, 0
# Link length
lab = pa.distanceTo (pb)
# Crank: cylinder of length lab, radius=rad, density=rho
m2, ixx2, iyy2, izz2 = cyl_mass_prop (lab, rad, rho)
p2 = Part (mass=m2, ip=[ixx2, iyy2, izz2, 0, 0, 0], label="Body Crank")
qploc = (pa+pb)/2
xploc = qploc + [0,0,1] = Marker (body=p2, qp=qploc, zp=pb, xp=xploc, label="Crank cm marker")
- Part p2 is designable - MotionSolve knows that its mass and inertia are functions of the locations of points A (defined by DVs ax, ay) and B (defined by DVs bx, by), the cylinder radius, rad, and its density, rho.
- Similarly, the marker,
, is designable. It's location and orientation is dependent on the design variables ax, ay, bx and by.