Create Regions from Metadata to CAE
Create regions from points, lines and surfaces with metadata.
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Solver interfaces supported in HyperMesh.
A solver interface is made up of a template and a FE-input reader.
Support provided by the CAD readers and writers.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Create and edit geometry.
Learn about the different types of mesh you can create in HyperWorks X.
Edit the Parameter and Criteria files and define mesh controls using the Mesh Controls Browser.
Set the appropriate parameters/options to obtain the desired mesh from Batchmesher by editing the criteria and parameter files.
Mesh controls are used to automate and streamline the meshing process.
You can create mesh controls specific to the different meshing types and refinement zones.
Model and local mesh controls for BatchMesh meshing.
Model, local, refinement, and feature mesh controls for surface meshing.
Model, local, proximity and leak detection mesh controls for adaptive wrap meshing.
Model, local and volume selector mesh controls for volume meshing.
Refinement zones are used to refine mesh with a defined size.
Regions store information used to facilitate and automate modeling practices and processes.
Create basic regions and define them in the Entity Editor.
Create regions by selecting entities based on their feature type using the Regions from Feature Selection tool.
Create regions from points, lines and surfaces with metadata.
Mesh controls can be saved and reused across different models by exporting them to a template file (*.xml) and then importing them into a new HyperWorks X session from the Mesh Controls Browser.
Mesh controls can be created for batch meshing, surface meshing, adaptive wrap meshing, volume meshing and refinement zones.
When a meshing job is submitted, enabled mesh controls are considered and used to automate the meshing process.
Once you are finished creating mesh controls, generate the mesh from the Mesh Controls Browser.
1D mesh that allows accurate testing of connectors, such as bolts, and similar rod-like or bar-like objects that can be modeled as a simple line for FEA purposes.
A surface mesh or "shell mesh" represents model parts that are relatively two-dimensional, such as sheet metal or a hollow plastic cowl or case.
Volume mesh or "solid meshing" uses three-dimensional elements to represent fully 3D objects, such as solid parts or sheets of material that have enough thickness and surface variety that solid meshing makes more sense than 2D shell meshing.
Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality and create, edit, and apply shapes for subsequent design optimization studies.
Create and edit 0D/1D entities and edit 2D elements.
Learn about the different types of mesh you can create in HyperWorks X.
Edit the Parameter and Criteria files and define mesh controls using the Mesh Controls Browser.
Mesh controls are used to automate and streamline the meshing process.
You can create mesh controls specific to the different meshing types and refinement zones.
Regions store information used to facilitate and automate modeling practices and processes.
Create regions from points, lines and surfaces with metadata.
Create regions from points, lines and surfaces with metadata.
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