mdlIObject ReplaceEntity

Replaces an existing entity with a new entity using the class variable name from the MDF file.


mdlIObject_handle ReplaceEntitynew_handle, old_handle, class_var, varname, is_pair


MotionView Tcl Modify


This command replaces an existing entity with a new entity using the class variable name from the MDF file.
Note: You can only specify the entity type, the variable name, and whether or not the new entity is a single or a pair. Only an entity can be replaced by this process.


The handle for the new entity.
The handle of the current entity. The new entity handle replaces the old handle.
For example the class variables are:
For body class
For vector class
For graphic class.
In general it is "entitytype_ent".
You can also find the class_var by searching and opening the topology_writer.mdf file.
The local variable name and default label for the new entity.
The Boolean flag that is used to determine if the entity is created as a single or a pair.


To replace the old body with a new body:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName 
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName 
set activePageNum [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $activePageNum
set activeWinNum [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $activeWinNum
myWindowName GetClientHandle myClientName 
myClientName GetModelHandle myModelName 
myModelName BeginFlatListFastGet "body"
myModelName GetChildHandleByIdx mybody 2
myModelName ReplaceEntity newbody mybody body_ent body_new false
myModelName EndChildFastGet
newbody ReleaseHandle
myModelName ReleaseHandle
myClientName ReleaseHandle
myWindowName ReleaseHandle
myPageName ReleaseHandle
myProjectName ReleaseHandle
mySessionName ReleaseHandle
hwi CloseStack


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.


Returns the name of the new_handle (in the example above it returns "newbody").