mdlIObject GetSourceFile

Obtains information about the source file for the assembly created in the model.


mdlIObject_Handle GetSourceFiletype


MotionView Tcl Query


This command obtains information about the source file for the assembly created in the model.


The type of source file requested. Valid arguments are: DATA and DEFINITION.


You need to load an assembly prior to running this example.

To get the source file of a given assembly:

hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName 
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName 
set activePageNum [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $activePageNum
set activeWinNum [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $activeWinNum
myWindowName GetClientHandle myClientName 
myClientName GetModelHandle myModelName 
myModelName GetChildHandle myAssembly assem_0
set temp [myAssembly GetSourceFile DATA];
tk_messageBox -message "The Source of the Assembly is: $temp";
myAssembly ReleaseHandle;
myModelName ReleaseHandle
myClientName ReleaseHandle
myWindowName ReleaseHandle
myPageName ReleaseHandle
myProjectName ReleaseHandle
mySessionName ReleaseHandle
hwi CloseStack


Returns the file name including the path and Library name.