hwIPage SetLayout
Sets the page layout type.
hwIPage_handle SetLayouttype
HyperWorks Desktop Tcl Modify
This command sets the page layout type.
- type
- The page layout type:
- -1
- Indicates an error
- 0
- One window
- 1
- Two windows (left and right)
- 2
- Two windows (top and bottom)
- 3
- Three windows (one left and two right)
- 4
- Three windows (two left and one right)
- 5
- Three windows (two top and one bottom)
- 6
- Three windows (one top and two bottom)
- 7
- Three windows (left, middle, and right)
- 8
- Three windows (top, middle, and bottom)
- 9
- Four windows
- 10
- Six windows (three rows of two)
- 11
- Six windows (two rows of three)
- 12
- Nine windows
- 13
- Twelve windows (four rows of three)
- 14
- Twelve windows (three rows of four)
- 15
- Sixteen windows
- 16
- Four windows (four rows of one)
- 17
- Eight windows (four rows of two)
- 18
- Four windows (one row of four)
- 19
- Eight windows (two rows of four)
# Changes the Page layout type to the next higher type, or back to 0
# Prints to the tk console the previous layout type
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session
session GetProjectHandle project
project GetPageHandle page [project GetActivePage]
set prevLayout [page GetLayout]
puts "The previous layout was $prevLayout"
set newLayout [expr "$prevLayout + 1"]
if {$newLayout > 19} {
set newLayout 0;
page SetLayout $newLayout
hwi CloseStack
Negative one (-1) indicates an error.