hwIPage AddWindowSyncGroup
Adds a window synchronization group.
hwIPage_handle AddWindowSyncGroupsyncGroupName, windowIdList
HyperWorks Tcl Modify
This command adds a window synchronization group and defines the windows to be synchronized with it. The models in the windows will move in sync with mouse movement and all pre-defined views, once synchronization has been turned on.
- syncGroupName
- Give your window synchronization group a meaningful name, or give it an ongoing number
(for example,
HW-SyncGroup1, SyncGroupModelBracket
, or Page 1). - windowIdList
- A list of window IDs to be 'synched' on the page. The list has to be in the following
“window-ID window-ID” (“1 2 3 4")
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle pg [proj GetActivePage]
set numberOfWindows [pg GetNumberOfWindows]
set windowIdList ""
for { set i 1} { $i <= $numberOfWindows } { incr i } {
lappend windowIdList $i
if { [string length $windowIdList] } {
set syncGroupName "MyWindowSyncGroup"
pg AddWindowSyncGroup $syncGroupName $windowIdList
pgr SetWindowSyncGroupState $syncGroupName true; #activate window synchronization on this group
puts “Current state of $syncGroupName : [pg GetWindowSyncGroupState $syncGroupName]”
hwi CloseStack
This command returns a warning code if a synchronization group with the same name already exists.