*Graphic() - curve
Creates a curve graphic.
*Graphic(gr_name, "gr_label", CURVE, {BODYPT | body | origin | MARKER |ref_marker}, curve)
{ } select one item among the list
- gr_name
- The variable name of the graphic.
- gr_label
- The descriptive label of the graphic.
- Indicates the graphic is a curve.
- Indicates the type of parent is a Body and Point.
- Indicates the type of parent is a Marker.
- body
- An entity variable referring to a Body. Applicable when the type of parent chosen is BODYPT.
- origin
- An entity variable referring to a Point. Applicable when the type of parent chosen is BODYPT.
- ref_marker
- An entity variable referring to a Marker. Applicable when the type of parent chosen is MARKER.
- curve
- An entity variable referring to a 3d Cartesian Curve.
- Example 1
*BeginMDL() *Point( p_sph, "Point Sphere" ) *Body( b_sph, "Sphere", P_Global_Origin, , , , ) *Curve( crv_circ, "Curve Circle", 3D, CARTESIAN, WRITE, CURVE_POINTS, CLOSED ) *SetCurve( crv_circ, MATH, 10*sin(2*PI*(0:1:0.1)), MATH, 10*cos(2*PI*(0:1:0.1)), MATH, 0*(0:1:0.1) ) *Graphic( gcrv_circ, "CurveGraphic_Sphere", CURVE, BODYPT, b_sph, p_sph, crv_circ) *SetOrientation( gcrv_circ.int_marker, TWOAXES, ZX, VECTOR, V_Global_Y, DXDYDZ, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) *EndMDL()
- Example 2
*BeginMDL() *Point( p_sph, "Point Sphere" ) *Body( b_sph, "Sphere", P_Global_Origin, , , , ) *Curve( crv_circ, "Curve Circle", 3D, CARTESIAN, WRITE, CURVE_POINTS, CLOSED ) *SetCurve( crv_circ, MATH, 10*sin(2*PI*(0:1:0.1)), MATH, 10*cos(2*PI*(0:1:0.1)), MATH, 0*(0:1:0.1) ) *Marker( m_sph, "Marker Sphere", b_sph, p_sph ) *Graphic( gcrv_circ, "CurveGraphic_Sphere", CURVE, MARKER, m_sph, crv_circ ) *Set( gcrv_circ.is_material_inside, false ) *EndMDL()
This statement can be used to create a 3D geometrical curve graphic that uses a 3D Cartesian Curve entity (defined using *Curve and *SetCurve).
The curve is in 3D space and is constructed using the X, Y, and Z data specified in a reference marker frame.
When BODYPT method is chosen, the curve is created on the body and the reference frame (int_marker) is internally created using the origin point as the origin of the marker. This internal marker needs to be oriented using the *SetOrientation statement. Otherwise by default, the orientation will match Global Frame. Refer to Example 1 (above).
When the MARKER method is chosen, the curve is created on the parent body of the ref_marker.
Curve graphic can be used to define Curve-Curve contact using a *TwoDContact statement.
Use *Set(property, value) statement to flip the contact side of the curve if needed. Here property can be set to gr_varname.is_material_inside and value can be set to Boolean (true or false).