
Contains information that is used by the HM_ExtAPI::ImportModel() function to set import parameters.


struct HM_ImportModelParamStruct {
int size;
double import_tol;
double scale_factor;
bool import_blanked;
bool comps_by_layer;
bool get_assm_tree_only;
bool get_abs_matrices;
bool use_default_reader;


HyperMesh Ext API


This structure contains information that is used by the HM_ExtAPI::ImportModel() function to set import parameters.

In the function HM_ExtAPI::ImportModel() the pointer to HM_ImportModelParamStruct can be set to NULL. In this case default values of the import parameters are used as specified below.

The structure information is declared in hm_extapi.h.

The members are: size, import_tol, scale_factor, import_blanked, comps_by_layer


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure. Use sizeof(HM_ImportModelParamStruct) for this member. This is used to distinguish the current version of HM_ImportModelParamStruct from possible future extended versions with additional members.
Specifies model import tolerance. If the value of this parameter is less that zero then import tolerance is set automatically by HyperMesh (default behavior).
Specifies additional scaling of imported model. If the value of this parameter is less than zero then no scaling is applied (default behavior).
The flag that specifies whether components blanked in original CAD model are imported. This member can have one of the following values:
false - Blanked components are not imported (default behavior).
true - Blanked components are imported.
The flag that specifies whether separate components are created for each layer of imported CAD model. This member can have one of the following values:
false - No separate components are created for layers (default behavior).
true - Separate components are created for different layers.
The flag that specifies whether to import or only create the assembly structure. This member can have one of the following values:
false - Normal import (default behavior).
true - Only the assembly structure and transformation matrices will be provided.
Defines how the transformation matrices are saved when get_assm_tree_only is true. This member can have one of the following values:
false - Relative transformation matrices are saved (default behavior).
true - Absolute transformation matrices are saved.
The flag that specifies whether to use the default CAD reader or the "other" CAD reader for supported formats. This member can have one of the following values:
false - Use the other reader.
true - Use the default reader (default behavior).

