Change Note Attributes

To change the attributes and display options for a note.
Note: Each attribute setting is applied immediately upon selection.
  1. From the Notes panel, select a note in the Notes list.
  2. Under Display options, activate the Transparency check box to remove the color from within the note box and make it transparent against the window.
  3. Activate the Auto-hide check box to hide the note box when the entity that the note is attached to is not visible on the screen.
    Note: This applies to all entities (except systems) that are hidden by section cuts.
  4. Activate the Move to entity check box to position the note at the attachment location.
    Note: This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu.
  5. Select Anchor to Screen to have the note remain stationary during animation or when manipulating the model view (rotating, zooming, etc.).
    Note: This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu.
    Tip: Activating the Move to entity check box will automatically override the Anchor to Screen option (if activated).
  6. Click the Color box and select a new color for the note.
  7. Click the Fill Color box and select a new fill color for the note.
    Note: This option is disabled if the Transparency option is activated. You must remove the check mark from the Transparency option in order to select a fill color.
  8. From the Align text drop-down menu, select the Left, Center, or Right alignment.
  9. From the Border drop-down menu, select No Border, or a border thickness to apply to the note box. .