Set HyperStudy Preferences

Configure the view of HyperStudy.

From the menu bar, click View to access and set preferences.
Status Bar
Turn the display of the Status Bar on and off.
Turn the display of the Explorer and Directory on and off.
Turn the display of the Messages pane on and off.
Turn the display of toolbars on and off in the ribbon.
Choose a profile used to determine the level of tabs displayed in the work area.
Change the language of the user interface.
Change the font family, size, and style.
Display Precision
Change the display precision for numbers in the HyperStudy interface.
For example, you can change the display precision from 0.001 to 0.001000.
Color Theme
Choose a predefined color theme that will be applied over the entire user interface.
Reset Prompts to Default
Restore preferences to their default settings.
Full Screen
Display the application in full screen mode.