Set HyperStudy Preferences
Configure the view of HyperStudy.
- Status Bar
- Turn the display of the Status Bar on and off.
- Browsers
- Turn the display of the Explorer and Directory on and off.
- Messages
- Turn the display of the Messages pane on and off.
- Toolbars
- Turn the display of toolbars on and off in the ribbon.
- Profile
- Choose a profile used to determine the level of tabs displayed in the work area.
- Language
- Change the language of the user interface.
- Font
- Change the font family, size, and style.
- Display Precision
- Change the display precision for numbers in the HyperStudy interface.
- Color Theme
- Choose a predefined color theme that will be applied over the entire user interface.
- Reset Prompts to Default
- Restore preferences to their default settings.
- Full Screen
- Display the application in full screen mode.