Remove Run Files from the Study Directory

During and/or after an evaluation, use the Purge tool to minimize the size of your study directory by removing unnecessary run files.

The Purge tool displays a list of all the files available for purge, which are sorted by size. Any files that are smaller than 10kb will not be listed in the Purge tool because they do not pose as a problem to disc space usage.

  1. From the Evaluate step, click the Evaluation Tasks tab.
  2. In the Run Tasks tab, Purge cell, click .
    The Purge dialog opens.
  3. Select the files to remove from the study directory.
  4. Click Purge now.
    HyperStudy removes the files from the study directory.
  5. Click OK to exit the dialog.

Figure 1.
  • Apply your purge selection to future approaches by selectinb the Purge checkbox from the Run Tasks tab. For example, the purge selection that you make in the Study setup will be inherited by all of the study approaches.

    You can modify your purge selection for each study approach.

  • Only purge files when an evaluation is successful by selecting the Only purge a successful evaluation checkbox. The files associated with failed runs will remain on disk to enable you to perform post-mortem debugging.