Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality in HyperMesh by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based format, and providing controls inside the table that
allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Space frames are models that have a sparse distribution of elements, such as a car body. Space frame models can generally
have element counts in the hundreds of thousands, but their basic structure is rather simple.
Move the handles into positions that change the shape of the model to match the mesh or geometry data. If you are going
to match a mesh you need to make sure that the mesh does not get morphed when you are moving the handles.
Global morphing differs from local morphing in that there are no definite boundaries between the handles that restrict
their zones of influence. When you perform global morphing operations, the parts of the model that are morphed are those
that lie between the handles that are moving and those that are not.
If your space frame is symmetric, you can create a plane of symmetry at the center of your space frame and have your
morphs applied in a symmetric fashion.
Planar symmetry is similar to linear symmetry accept that it reduces two dimensions instead of one. This enables you
to morph your model along a single axis with only two or more handles.
Shell models are models that are made up primarily of shell elements, namely, quads, and trias. In general, a shell
model represents many parts, each with numerous features such as holes and edges, and connected together using 1D
elements such as bars and rigids.
Solid models are models that are made up of solid elements, namely, tetras, pentas, and hexas. In general, a solid
model represents a single part with numerous features such as holes, edges, bosses, flanges and ribs.
Space frames are models that have a sparse distribution of elements, such as a car body. Space frame models can generally
have element counts in the hundreds of thousands, but their basic structure is rather simple.
Create a global domain and global handles at useful positions throughout the space
From the Tools page, click HyperMorph.
Click Domains.
Select the Create subpanel.
Set the selector to global domain.
Set the toggle to all nodes.
Set the toggle to create handles.
Click create.
A global domain and global handles are created at useful positions
throughout the space frame.
If the handles are not where you want them to be, delete the handles and add
global handles elsewhere.
Open the Delete panel by pressing F2.
Delete unwanted handles.
Go to the HyperMorph module, Handles panel,
Create subpanel.
In the name field, enter a name for the handle.
Select an xyz position or any number of nodes where you want global
Click create.
A new global handle is created at each node or at the specified xyz location. If more
than one handle is created at a time, the handles will each be given a unique name
by appending a number after the name you have given. You should place global handles
both in areas where you want to apply perturbations and in areas that you want to
stay fixed. You can also use morph constraints to fix nodes in place during global
morphing but if you want them to affect the surrounding mesh you must select the
stretch mesh around nodes option when creating the morph constraint. If you want a
part of your model to move as a rigid body, such as a wheel or the engine block, use
a cluster type morph constraint. Figure 1. Global Domain and Global Handles for Full Car Model
Exiting any panel in the HyperMorph module or the Delete
panel automatically triggers HyperMorph to refresh the
handle influences, if necessary. Adding, editing, or deleting handles, domains, or
symmetries makes it necessary for HyperMorph to refresh
the handle influences. For large models or large changes, this can be time
consuming, so you will want to make all the changes you desire within each panel
before exiting.