Interfacing with PAM-CRASH 2G
This section discusses how the HyperGraph applications interface with the PAM-CRASH 2G solver.
HyperGraph hgdaisy External Reader
Description | Supports | Does Not Support |
Reads PAM-CRASH and PAM-CRASH 2G DSY files (results files generated by the
solver) into HyperGraph. No ESI license is required to use this reader. |
Stamp options. |
-hgdaisy dsyfile outfile.
To run in HyperGraph:
By default this reader is registered. If it is not, please register it before reading DSY files. It is located in the HWDIR\externalreaders\bin\$PLATFORM\plot directory. After registering the reader, you can read DSY files directly into HyperGraph.
HyperGraph hgthp Result Reader
Description | Supports | |
Reads PAM-CRASH and PAM-CRASH 2G THP binary files (time history files generated
by the solver) into HyperGraph. Also reads ASCII files generated by exporting curves from PAMVIEW. hgthp can be run from the command prompt to convert THP files into Altair Binary Files (ABF files). No ESI license is required to use this reader. PAM-CRASH 2017 THP binary files are supported. |
The PAM-CRASH and PAM-SAFE options.
–hgthp thpfile outfile.
To run in HyperGraph:
By default this reader is registered. If not, please register it before reading THP files. It is located in the HWDIR\externalreaders\bin\$PLATFORM\plot directory. After the reader is registered you can read THP files or PAM-CRASH ASCII files directly into HyperGraph.
HyperGraph erfh5 Result Reader
HyperGraph and HyperView uses same ERFH5 result reader to support ERF (HDF5) results.
PAM-CRASH ERF reader support ERF (HDF5) results that use modular input definition.
Entity pools are also used to handle duplicate IDs shared across different modules in the same model. These entities will be represented by their module IDs along with their parent entity module IDs.