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What's New
View new features for HyperGraph 2D 2019 .
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Discover HyperGraph 2D and HyperGraph 3D functionality with interactive tutorials.
HyperGraph 2D
Powerful data analysis and plotting tool for all types of CAE data.
XY Plot
The XY Plot toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu and the active window is set to the XY Plot mode, .
Build Plots
Use Build Plots to create multiple curves and plots from a single data file.
Plot Macros
Allows you to create macros that produce curves and notes for plots.
Define Curves
Existing curves can be edited individually and new curves can be added to the current plot using the Define Curves
Datum Lines
Allows you to add horizontal and vertical datum lines to plots.
Modify Curves
Enables you to modify curve data pertaining to a plot.
Curve Attributes
Define attributes such as line style, color, and weight, as well as symbol style and color.
Coordinate Info
Retrieves individual point data on any curve in the active window. When a point is selected, the point data is displayed
on the panel.
Calculates statistics over a specified range on a curve.
Scales, Offsets, and Axis Assignments
Curve scaling, offsets, and axis assignments can be applied to multiple curves using the Scales, Offsets, and Axis
Assignments panel.
Micro Dialogs
Allows you to set default parameters for XY plots.
Bar Chart
The Bar Chart toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu and the active window is set to the Bar Chart mode, .
Complex Plot
The Complex Plot toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu and set the active window to Complex Plot mode, .
Polar Plot
Polar plots allow you to plot complex data and are very similar to HyperGraph 2D complex plots. The polar plot toolbar is displayed when you select HyperGraph 2D from the application menu and the active window is set to the Polar Plot mode, .
HyperGraph 3D
HyperGraph 3D offers a 3-D plotting environment that is fully integrated with HyperWorks , for managing, reviewing, and analyzing 3-D plots such as waterfall, surface, and 3-D line data.
HyperGraph Solver Interfacing
The following sections describe support for various solvers in HyperGraph .
Associate a Datum Line with a Secondary Axis
From the Datum Lines panel, select a datum line from the datum list or from the
Click the Position tab.
Select an axis from the axis drop-down menu.
The datum line is moved to the new position.