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Tools Menu

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The Tools menu has the following functions:


Quick Access

Quickly find and open the tools, panels and browsers that are available from the menu bar pull-downs or from the Utility browser.

Matrix Browser

Explore Altair HyperMesh and Altair HyperView data entities and export the entities to external files for further analysis.

Orientation Review

Display/review and modify frequently used coordinate systems used in CAE analysis.  

Transformation Tool

Translate, scale, reflect or rotate elements with multiple numbers of copies including properties and loads attached to them.    

Mapping CFD Loads

Reads a Tecplot Results file and creates Nodal results file for use with the Linear Interpolation option.

Utility to split TECPLOT results files written by FLUENT, StarCD, CFD++, and so on into all the solution components (present in the TECPLOT file) in a format compatible with Altair HyperMesh’s Linear Interpolation reader. A typical TECPLOT results contains several simulation results (for example Pressure, Temperature, Velocity magnitude, and so on), one file will be created for each solution component, each file name contains a sub-string identifying the solution component.

This function is accessible by clicking Tools > Linear Interpolation Pres/Temp.    

Linear interpolation - Pressure/Temperature

The result file generated by the Mapping CFD loads function can be used in these panels to interpolate the result data on a mesh and define pressure or temperature loads for a FE analysis.

Contour Loads

Generates a contour plot of a load collector (for example mapped pressure or temperature values). Using Pressure - Signed in the Contour panel as data type maintains the sign of the pressure values, for example in case the values are given relative to a reference pressure.  

Write Centroids Offset

Saves a text file containing lines with X Y Z values corresponding to the selected elements’ centroid coordinates offset by the specified Centroid’s offset value in the direction of the elements’ normals. Only 2D elements (trias/quads) are processed. This text file is typically used by CFD solvers to save simulation values at the X Y Z locations listed in each line.


Create pyramids on the outer quad faces of components/collectors containing 3D/volume elements, or on 2D quad elements in which case pyramids are created on the side of the quads’ normals.


Extract a centerline of a tube-style geometry model.



See Also:

CFD Application