Altair HyperWorks offers high quality tools for CFD applications enabling the engineer to perform modeling, optimization and post-processing tasks efficiently.
The CFD application in Engineering Solutions is a powerful pre-processor to perform geometry cleanup/generation and to generate quality grids for CFD applications. Tools for different grid types like hybrid, hex-core, wind tunnel or pure hexa-grids are available. The I/O capabilities include support of native formats for CFD++, FLUENT, StarCD, SC/Tetra and OpenFoam. For CFX, the native FLUENT format can be used.
HyperMorph, the morphing technology included in Altair HyperWorks, supports both morph domains and morph volumes for shape generation. Altair HyperMesh’s morphing tools facilitates the task of defining geometrical changes based on an existing mesh. By providing you with a large number of morphing algorithms well suited for CFD applications, you can easily generate new designs, in general without remeshing.
Altair HyperView is a post-processor for the visualization of CFD results, like contour plotting, streamline generation or velocity vector plotting. Result data from all major CFD tools can be imported using the EnSight© format.