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Rakes/Streamlines List

Rakes List

On the left-most side of the panel is the Rakes list. The Streamlines status is also shown in this listing. When streamlines have been created from a rake, the Streamlines status changes from N/A to Available.

After streamlines have been created, deactivating the check box next to the rake will hide the streamlines group in the graphics area. The same Show/Hide functionality can also be accessed by right-clicking any rake item (see below for additional information on Show/Hide).

You can sort the items in the Rakes list by clicking the Rakes or Streamlines headings.


Adds a new rake to the list. The newly added rake is automatically labeled and is added to the bottom of the list. To change the name of a rake, right-click the current name, enter a new name into the Rename dialog and click OK.


Deletes the selected Rake/Streamline pair(s) from the list.

You can access the following options by right-clicking anywhere within the Rakes list:



Deletes the selected Rake/Streamline pair(s) from the list.


Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected Rake.


Displays the selected Rake/Streamline pair(s) in the graphics area and activates the corresponding check box(es).


Hides the selected Rake/Streamline pair(s) in the graphics area and deactivates the corresponding check box(es).


Note:To select multiple items from the Rakes list, press the Shift or Ctrl key on the keyboard + the left mouse button.

Show Manipulator

Displays the graphical manipulator in the graphics area for the currently selected rake/streamline. The Streamlines graphical manipulators allow you to modify the location and shape of the rake interactively by scaling, translating, or rotating the line, plane, or area using a manipulator specific to the rake type (LinePlane, or Area). 

Note:Area rakes without the Evenly distributed option activated cannot be graphically manipulated.

The graphical manipulator is linked to the entity display, therefore if a streamline rake is not displayed, the display of the graphical manipulator is also turned off.

Hide Manipulator

Hides the graphical manipulator for the currently selected rake/streamline in the graphics area.

In addition, you can use the options available in the Results browser to control the visibility, color and transparency of a rake/streamline (including the rake outline).

hmtoggle_plus1greyRakes Settings

The following options are applied to the rake currently selected in the Rake list when you click Save Settings:

Rake Type

Allows you to select the rake type for the active (selected) rake:


Rake defined by two end points (the definition of end points is described below).


Rake is defined by three points (N1, N2, N3) or by a cross section. 


Rake defined by the surface/area of a component collector.

Entity selector

The entity selector allows you to select, or change, the two end nodes or entities which will be used to define the rake.


N1, N2

If a Line rake type is selected: the node/vector entity selector (N1, N2) and the Select by ID dialog can be used to select your desired nodes. Altair HyperView will automatically provide the X, Y, Z positions (coordinates) of the nodes at the time of definition. However, the simplest method for selecting nodes is simply by clicking the desired nodes in the graphics area. Alternatively, if you know the specific coordinates of the end points defining the rake, you can simply enter them in the X, Y, Z coordinate text boxes.


N1, N2, N3

If a Plane rake type is selected: the node/vector entity selector (N1, N2, N3) and the Select by ID dialog can be used to select your desired nodes.  Altair HyperView will automatically provide the X, Y, Z positions (coordinates) of the nodes at the time of definition. However, the simplest method for selecting nodes is simply by clicking the desired nodes in the graphics area. Alternatively, if you know the specific coordinates of the end points defining the rake, you can simply enter them in the X, Y, Z coordinate text boxes.



If a Plane rake type is selected: the Section entity selector and the Select by ID dialog can be used to select your desired section.

Note:This option is only available if a section cut has been applied.



If an Area rake type is selected: the entity selector (Component) and the Select by ID dialog can be used to specify your desired 2D part/component. However, the easiest way to select a component is simply by clicking the desired component in the graphics area or in the Model browser.

Integration mode


Allows you to select the integration mode for a rake:



Integration is done following the velocity field direction.



Integration is done upstream, or opposite, to the velocity field direction.



Integration is done both downstream and upstream.

Evenly distributed

Activating this option allows you to evenly distribute the seeds in an Area rake or Plane rake by specifying the number of rows and columns of seeds in a local system.

Note:This option is always activated for Plane rakes.

Number of rows/Number of columns

Allows you to specify the number of rows and columns of seeds for an Area rake or Plane rake.

Note:The Evenly distributed option must be activated in order to enable these options for Area rakes.

Number of Seeds

Allows you to specify the number of seeds in a Line rake.


Allows you to specify the number of seeds in an Area rake (distributed on the surface of the 2D part/component), provided the Evenly distributed checkbox is not activated.

hmtoggle_plus1greyStreamlines Definitions

Additional advanced options can also be set in the Advance Options dialog:


Select the vector field to be used for streamline creation from all of the available nodal or elemental vector results (typically the velocity field).


See the Advanced Options dialog topic for a thorough description of this dialog.

Delete Streamlines

Deletes any existing streamlines for the selected rakes from the model.

Create Streamlines

Creates streamlines with the specified data for the selected rakes.

Note:It is important to note that streamlines may not always be created.  For example, selecting a rake on a typical flow inlet surface and specifying Integration Mode Upstream will not produce streamlines.
hmtoggle_plus1greyDisplay Options

The following options allow you to control the display/rendering of the currently selected rake:

Auto-generate streamlines

Activate this option to automatically generate streamlines (if the rake remains at least partly in the fluid domain and the stream lines existed prior to changing the rake).

If the streamline is contoured prior to changing the rake, the contour will be automatically regenerated also.

Draw as tube

Draws the streamlines as tubes instead of lines. The streamlines will appear to have a larger diameter (for the same streamline size) when the Draw as tube option is activated.

Auto-color streamlines

Activate this option to use the number specified in the Number of colors text box to distinguish streamlines.

Note:This option is disabled if a contour is applied to the model.  Altair HyperView supports streamline contouring for nodal results only (elemental results are not supported). To remove the contour and enable the Color streamlines option, go to the Contour panel and click Clear Contour.

Number of colors

Number of distinct colors to use when the Auto-color streamlines option is activated.

Streamline size

Relative scale for the streamline thickness.

Seed marker size

Allows you to specify the size of the seed nodes which are being used as the starting point for the streamline generation.

hmtoggle_plus1greySaving EnSight Files With FLUENT
With Fluent 6.*: Select File/Export, select EnSight Case Gold as the file type, then select the functions that you would like to export/post-process with Altair HyperView (for example, Static Pressure and Total Pressure), leave the default options set at Node and Binary and click Write to export the set of EnSight files.
With Fluent 12.*: Select File/Export/Solution Data, select EnSight Case Gold as the file type, then select the Quantities that you would like to export/post-process with Altair HyperView (for example, Static Pressure and Total Pressure), leave the default options as Node and BINARY and click Write to export the set of EnSight files.
Note:By default FLUENT will save the volume and boundary groups/components, therefore you do not need to select any Interior Zones. In FLUENT, interior zones do not refer to the volume zones but instead refer to all of the faces (in 3D) between each pair of cells. It is very unlikely that you will ever need them, as they are used by FLUENT for the solution process and they are not needed for post-processing (as their numbers are so large that it will slow down your post-processing tasks considerably).


See Also:

Streamlines and Tracers