Crash has the following meshing capabilities:
Create a fluid volume mesh for the open-air volumes of an enclosed compartment, such as the passenger compartment of a vehicle. |
Create meshes or re-mesh existing meshing interactively or automatically on surfaces or groups of elements. |
Create, review or update bar2 or bar3 elements. |
Bead |
Creates bead on the surface mesh along a line defined by two nodes. |
Boolean Operation |
Connect intersecting 2D elements. This tool works for triangular as well as quadrilateral elements. |
Box Trim |
Trims the model based on box with option to constraint the model’s trimmed edges. |
Select the entities that are viewed in the card image subpanel. |
Verify the basic quality of your elements and to verify the geometric qualities of those elements. |
Perform a model-based CAD-CAD, CAD-FE or FE-FE comparison between two models, or two selections of entities. You can also use this tool to find and report on geometrical/shape differences. |
Make changes to the configuration of existing elements. |
Delete data from a model database, preview and delete empty collectors and preview and delete unused property collectors, material collectors, or curves. |
Find nodes that have their degrees of freedom removed by a constraint or MPC (multiple point constraint) more than once. |
Detach elements from the surrounding structure. |
Determine the distance between two nodes/points or the angle between three nodes/points, or to change distances or angles. |
Create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of nodes or lines, or to create elements by dragging selected elements. |
Find the free edges in a group of elements, find "T" or discontinuous connections in a group of elements (any edges connected to three or more elements), display duplicate nodes and equivalence duplicate nodes. |
Hand-build, combine, split or modify elements. |
Perform automatic cleanup of 2D elements based on the element quality criteria from the Quality Index panel or a separate criteria file. |
Create and modify elements by offsetting from a mesh of plate or shell elements. |
Select the type of element to create and also allows you to change existing element types. |
EM Lattice Mesh |
Generate an axis-parallel mesh for 2D and 1D geometry input. |
Find the free faces in a group of elements and operates in the same manner as edges, but in 3D. |
Calculates features (corners) in the current model and displays them by creating one dimensional plot elements or feature lines. |
Fill Hole |
Fills a hold on the surface mesh based on your selection or through hold recognition and filters based on the hole radius. |
Fuse |
Connect close proximity, overlapping, and intersecting parts. |
Create gap elements. |
Hole Detection |
Enables you to locate and define many, or all, holes in a model and add those holes as geometry to a new component or the current one. |
Hole/Gap Fill |
Mesh holes, gaps, and patches. |
Create a two or three dimensional surface and/or mesh or elements by dragging nodes, lines or elements along another line. |
Create a chain of one dimensional elements such as beams along a line. |
Create one dimensional elements. |
Create solid elements between two groups of plate elements. |
Obtain the mass, area and/or volume of a selected group of elements, solids, or surfaces |
Create mass elements. |
Mesh Controls |
Define one model specific mesh setting, as well as an unlimited number of local mesh settings. |
Midmesh Thickness |
Calculate the thickness of a mid-mesh from the solid geometry. |
Create nodes using a wide variety of methods. |
Display the normal of an element or surface, adjust the orientation of element normals and reverse the normal of an element or surface. |
Change element order. |
Reorganize your database by copying or moving data (entities) among collectors or includes. |
Check for penetrations and/or intersections of elements. |
Periodic Mesh |
Generate a grid containing rotational and/or translational symmetric boundaries, for example rotating machinery. |
Switch coordinates of model entities in the global coordinate system. |
Specify a new position for model entities. |
Project data entities to a plane, vector, surface, or line. |
Calculates a single value to represent the quality of the displayed shell (2D) model. |
Quality Index Calculations |
The Quality Index value is a function of twelve criteria with user-defined weight factors. |
Quality Report |
Creates an HTML mesh quality report. |
Many tools for rapid editing of model geometry. |
Create, review and update RBE3 elements. |
Refine by Pattern |
Create a regular orthogonal mesh. |
Reflect portions of a model about a plane, changing the selected portion into a mirror image of itself. |
Renumber entities. |
Create rigid or rigid link elements. |
Create rod elements. |
Rotate entities around an axis in space. |
Create surfaces and/or meshes of plate elements from nodes, lines and/or line segments, in any combination. |
Increase or decrease an entity’s dimensions. |
Generate an enclosed volume or solid mesh and is typically used to approximate and simplify an existing mode. |
Create a skin surface and/or mesh from a set of lines. |
Improve element quality in a surface-based mesh or a mesh of solid elements using one or more algorithms that adjust node positions to moderate sharp variations in size or quality in adjacent elements. |
Create a mesh of solid elements in a solid geometric volume. |
Create a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning a series of nodes, a line or lines, or a group of elements about a vector to create a circular structure. |
Create a shell mesh and/or surface. |
Split plate or solid elements. |
Create spring elements. |
Create rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. |
Fill an enclosed volume with first or second order tetrahedral elements. |
TetraMesh Process |
Create tetra-meshes efficiently and effectively. |
Move entities in a single specified direction. |
Trim Hole |
Creates a hole on surface mesh with options to customize the mesh around the hole and create spiders for connections. |
Voxel Mesh |
Fills an enclose volume with voxels (hexas) of a predefined size. This type of mesh is only useful in topology optimization. It does not give meaningful results in a stress analysis. |
Washer |
Creates washer around free edges in the surface geometry. |