Use the Quick Edit panel to split surfaces and washers, change the category (shared, free, and so on) of edges, create or delete surfaces and points, project points, and trim fillets. This can be utilized with the option to force the immediate re-meshing of surfaces after a topology change (set in the Meshing options panel accessible from the Preferences menu's meshing options sub-menu; the setting is labeled topology revision on that panel.)
Some of the entity selectors can be used in conjunction with the rectangular selection box (<shift> +click-and drag the mouse to select multiple entities). These entity selectors include a "(s)" in the label--for example, line(s) rather than line. In some cases, you can use either the right or left mouse button with the selection box to accomplish different tasks, as described for each the control group below.
This panel combines many tools for rapid editing of model geometry.
There are no subpanels on the Quick Edit panel.
Input |
Action |
split surf-node |
This control group has two different behaviors which are set by selecting the toggle at the end of the second collector.
split surf-line |
This control group splits a surface from a selected node to a selected line, such that the resulting split is perpendicular to the line chosen. This function has two different behaviors which are set by selecting the toggle at the end of the second collector.
washer split |
Use these controls to create a washer seated on a hole in your model. First specify an offset to determine the width of the washer, and then highlight the line selector and pick the line(s) to which you wish to add washers of that thickness. |
unsplit surf |
Use this lines selector to pick and remove a split-line from a surface, making it a single continuous surface again. You can select multiple entities by using the shift-click selection box. |
toggle edge |
With this lines selector highlighted:
In either case, the edge must meet the criteria for the type of edge you wish to change it to. For example, toggling a free edge to a shared edge requires the presence of a similar edge within the distance you specify in the tolerance field. |
filler surf |
With this lines selector active, pick a closed-loop line (a hole) in your model to create a surface that fills the hole. Only free edges (red) are valid, and they convert to shared edges (green) after creating the filler surface. |
delete surf |
Highlight this surfs selector, then pick a surface in your model to delete that surface. |
adjust/set density |
Allows you to interactively change mesh node density along selected edges when at least one of connected surfaces is meshed. When mesh settings specify remeshing after a topology change, changing the mesh density along an edge immediately remeshes the surface. To adjust density, use the first line(s) collector. Left-click a surface edge to increment the element density by one, or right-click to decrement the element density by one.
To set density, use the second line(s) collector. This allows you to select a line with the correct target density using the left mouse button, then apply this density to additional edges using the right mouse button.
replace points |
Use these controls to move points from their current locations to the locations of other points, effectively combining them. Use the moved selector to pick the point you wish to move (or use the shift-click selection box to pick multiple points). Use the retain selector to specify the point that you wish the moved point to combine with. |
add/remove point |
Highlight this points selector, and then left-click a node, line, or surface in your model to add new point to the model geometry. Alternately, right-click an existing point to remove it. You can use the shift-click rectangular selection box (with the right mouse button in this case, not the left) to remove any points within the selection box. |
add point on line |
To add multiple points to a line, highlight the line(s) selector, specify the # of pts that you wish to add to that line, and then pick the desired line in your model. The specified number of points appear at evenly-spaced intervals along the line’s length, between the existing end-points of the line. |
release points |
Highlight this points selector and then pick points in your model to disassociate those points from their lines, surfaces, and so on thus converting them to free points. |
project points |
Use these controls to move free points to existing surfaces or lines. Use the toggle to affect whether this happens singly, or as a chain of actions:
trim-intersect |
Use these two node selectors to choose nodes at each end of a fillet. Altair HyperMesh then removes the fillet, extending the lines until they meet in a corner instead of a fillet. |
In all cases, the reject button provides a way to immediately undo the most recent edit.
In all cases except for toggle edge, add/remove point(s), and adjust/set density, the right mouse button steps backward one step: either rejecting the last action performed, or in the case of functions that use two entity selectors and in which the second selector is active, clearing the second selector and highlighting the first selector again.