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Admas panel

Admas panel

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Admas panel

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Use the Admas panel to create and update masses applied to nodes. This panel supports the /ADMAS Altair Radioss and *ELEMENT_MASS LS-DYNA element.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Admas panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Use the Create subpanel to define a mass for entities (nodes, node sets, components, and component sets), which can be selected by selecting nodes, components, properties, materials, sets and blocks from the model.

In the Altair Radioss user profile, all of the selection options (nodes, components, properties, materials, sets and blocks) are available. However, when selecting groups of entities, only entities of the same type can be selected. Regardless of type, a node set is always created from the selected entity, and the defined mass is always applied to this node set.
In the LS-DYNA user profile, you can only select nodes, components, or sets. The corresponding *ELEMENT_MASS is created, depending on the entity type selected.  You can select more than one node or component, but the selected entities must all be of the same type.


Use the controls in the subpanel to fine-tune how masses are applied.


Panel Inputs



attach node as a set

Places the selected entity in a set and defines the mass for the entire set.

In the Altair Radioss user profile this check box is always selected because this option is required by the solver.

In the LS-DYNA user profile, when this option is active each selected entity is placed in a node/part set, and the mass value is associated with the set. Clearing this option keeps the selected entities separate/ungrouped.

mass =

Defines the mass to be applied on the selected entities.  How it is applied depends on mass type.

mass type

Mass types available in the Altair Radioss user profile:

Individual mass (type 0): Adds the mass value to each of the nodes in the set.
Distributed mass (type 1): Divides the mass value evenly among all of the nodes in the set. (This method is used automatically for node sets in the LS-DYNA profile.)


Mass types available in the LS-DYNA user profile:

Added mass: Adds the mass value to the part or part set, besides the mass calculated from the part's structure.  (You can use this to account for additional components that will be attached to the part or part set during production, but are not currently part of your model. For example, a speaker for a car's interior door panel). This option is only when the selected entity is a part or part set.
Total mass: The mass value is the total mass of the part or the part set, including structure and any additional parts that would be added in production but are not currently modeled. Mass calculated from the part's structure are ignored, and assumed to be part of the total mass value. This option is only when the selected entity is a part or part set.

visualization node

Select a node to display mass handle in the graphics area. This option appears for Altair Radioss when a set is created, regardless of the other options chosen. In LS-DYNA, this open only appears if you selected a component or set.



Use the Update subpanel to edit the mass value, the constituents upon which the mass is defined (connectivity), and the visualization node in separate subpanels.


Panel Inputs



mass update

Change the mass value and type of a selected mass element.

connectivity update

Updates the entities on which the selected mass element is defined The choice for entity selection to update is limited to the type of entity that already exists in the selected element. In LS-DYNA, if the selected element has just a node or a component and you add more than one entity of same type then the selected entities by default is converted to a set and is associated with mass.

visualization node update

Updates the visualization node associated with the selected mass element.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Creates the mass element.


Creates the mass element and takes you to the card image of the created card.


Cancels the creation of mass elements.


Highlights the selected mass element.