Engine Input

As an example, the following Engine deck options can be used in Radioss CFD:

Define Optional Commands for Controlling Time Step

1. 1.E-6
0.9 1.E-5

Define Commands to Determine Your Output Choices Time History File

/TFILE                  Output interval

Engine Output File

/PRINT/100              Cycle interval for output


/ANIM/DT                time settings
0.09 0.000833           time for first animation file, interval

Elementary Variables Choice

/ANIM/ELEM/K             Turbulent energy
/ANIM/ELEM/TVIS          Turbulent viscosity
/ANIM/ELEM/P             Pressure

Nodal Vector Choice

/ANIM/VECT/VEL	 velocity
/ANIM/VECT/DISP	displacement

Filtered Sampled Output

0. 1.E-4	Start time, interval nodes
2009 2010 2011 2012 2017 2018 2023 2024 2029 2030
2035 2036 2041 2042 2047 2048 2053 2054 2059 2060
2065 2066 2071 2072 2077 2078 2153 2154 2157 2158
2161 2162 2165 2166 2169 2170 2173 2174 2177 2178