Edit Surfaces

The surface entity allows you to describe a parametric surface for use with advanced joints like point to surface joints, curve to surface joints, and the surface to surface joints. The surface can be described by a user subroutine for the MotionSolve and ADAMS solvers, and by a Parasolid reference for the ADAMS solver.

  1. If the Surfaces panel is not currently displayed, select the desired surface by clicking on it in the Project Browser or in the modeling window.
    The Surfaces panel is automatically displayed.
  2. From the Connectivity tab, select an option from the first drop-down menu.
    • Open in U - Select if the two ends of the surface in the U direction will be am open surface.
    • Closed in U - Select if the two ends of the surface will be close in the U direction.
  3. Similarly, define the V direction from the second drop-down menu.