Define the Translational and/or Rotational Properties of Forces

Force/torque properties can be defined along/about three axes of the local reference marker using the Fx/Tx, Fy/Ty, and Fz/Tz fields in the Properties tab. In case of a Line of Action translational force, the line defines the direction of application and the property can be defined in a single field provided. The same is true for a Single Component Rotational torque.

  1. Click either the Trans Properties tab or the Rot properties tab.
    The Trans Properties tab is displayed when the selection in the Properties drop-down menu in the Connectivity tab is set to either Translational, TransRotational, or Line of Action Translational.
  2. Specify how to define the translational/rotational properties in each direction using the drop down menus.
    If Linear is chosen, enter a constant value of displacement, velocity, or acceleration.
    If Curve is chosen:
    1. Select AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR , or QUINTIC under Interpolation as the method of interpolation of between two data points in the curve.
    2. Enter a value under Independent variable.
    3. Resolve the curve by double-clicking the Curve collector and selecting a curve from the Select a Curve dialog.
      Note: To use a curve, you first need to define a curve (using the Curves panel) which represents the behavior of the force.
    If Sline3D is chosen:
    1. Select AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR , or QUINTIC under as the method of interpolation of values between 2 data points in XY plane.
    2. Resolve the 3D spline by double-clicking on the Spline3D collector and selecting a Spline3D entity from the Select a Spline3D dialog.
      Note: To use a Spline3D entity, you first need to define a spline using the Spline3D panel.
    3. Specify an expression for Independent variable X and Independent variable Z.
    If Expressions is chosen, enter a solver expression to define displacement, velocity, or acceleration.
  3. Repeat the same step for the second properties tab if needed.