Platform Support

Platforms, operating systems, and processors supported by HyperWorks 2019. This includes 2019 solver packages.

Platforms HyperWorks 2019
OS Version Architecture GUI Products Solvers
Windows 7/10 x86_64 YES YES
Linux1 RHEL and CentOS



x86_64 YES YES
  • Windows Ultra HD (UHD/HiDPI) requires Windows 10 updated to version of 1709 or higher
  • SLES = SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • RHEL= Red Hat Enterprise Linux
1 Check system requirements for Linux package details.
HyperWorks 2019 may install and run on other non-supported Linux distributions but Altair does not test, certify, verify or warrant the reliability of the products on these platforms.
  • Altair products are tested on Gnome window managers.
  • Xen kernels are currently not supported kernels for HyperWorks 2019 applications.