vidIVideo SetPinVideo

Sets a flag which causes animation of the video to stay fixed at the origin of the user defined coordinate system.


vidIVideo_handle SetPinVideopin


HyperWorks Tcl Modify


Sets a flag which causes animation of the video to stay fixed at the origin of the user defined coordinate system, such that the origin remains at the same pixel location on the screen while the video animates.


Pin animation of video at the origin of the user defined tracking system.
Stop pinning animation of the video at the origin of the user defined tracking system.


hwi OpenStack;
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1;
sess1 GetProjectHandle proj;
proj GetPageHandle page1;
page1 GetWindowHandle win1 1;
win1 GetClientHandle vid
vid AddMovie "c:/video/Marker/data/barrier0411.amf"
vid AddTrackingMarker mark1;
mark1 SetTrackPoint 84 122;
mark1 SetName Hello1
vid AddTrackingMarker mark2;
mark2 SetTrackPoint 282 178;
mark2 SetName Hello2
vid CalculateTrackingData;
vid GetMovieHandle movie 1
movie SetCSPoint1 Hello1
movie SetCSPoint2 Hello2
vid SetPinVideo true;
hwi CloseStack; 


Returns success or an error code.


  • HyperWorks
  • MediaView
  • Tracing
  • Tracking System