vidIMeasurePlot PlotForAllCurves
Creates a new plot with all the curves of the selected measures on the specified plot window of the specified plot type.
plot_handle PlotForAllCurvesplotwin plottype
HyperWorks Tcl Modify
This command creates a new plot with all the curves of the selected markers on the specified plot window of the specified plot type.
- plotwin
- Plot window handle to add tp all the curves.
- plottype
- Options include:
- 0
- Magnitude vs. Time
- 1
- X vs. Time
- 2
- Y vs. Time
- 3
- Y vs. X
- 4
- X vs. Y
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle p1 1
p1 SetLayout 3
p1 GetWindowHandle w1 1
w1 SetClientType video
p1 GetWindowHandle w2 2
w2 SetClientType plot
p1 GetWindowHandle w3 3
w3 SetClientType plot
w1 GetClientHandle v_handle
v_handle AddMovie abc.amf
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm1
tm1 SetName Hello1
tm1 SetTrackPoint 100 200
tm1 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm2
tm2 SetName Hello2
tm2 SetTrackPoint 400 300
tm2 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm3
tm3 SetName Hello3
tm3 SetTrackPoint 100 250
tm3 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle CalculateTrackingData
v_handle GetBPCHandle bpc_handle
v_handle SetMeasurePoint1 1 180 300
v_handle SetMeasurePoint2 1 330 220
v_handle GetMeasureHandle meas_dl 1
meas_dl SetUnits pm
meas_dl SetLength 50.0
v_handle SetUseUnits true
v_handle SetPlotFlag true
v_handle SetUseUnitsForPlot false
bpc_handle PlotForAllCurves w2
v_handle SetPlotFlag true
v_handle SetUseUnitsForPlot true
bpc_handle PlotForAllCurves w3
hwi ReleaseAllHandles
hwi CloseStack
Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.
- HyperWorks
- MediaView
- Tracing
- Tracking System