vidIMarkerPlot AddCurvesToExist

Adds the curves of the selected markers to the specified existing plot window.


plot_handle AddCurvesToExistplotwin


HyperWorks Tcl Modify


This command adds the curves of the selected markers to the specified existing plot window.


Plot window handle to which to add all the curves.


hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle p1 1
p1 SetLayout 3
p1 GetWindowHandle w1 1
w1 SetClientType video
p1 GetWindowHandle w2 2
w2 SetClientType plot
p1 GetWindowHandle w3 3
w3 SetClientType plot        
w1 GetClientHandle v_handle
v_handle AddMovie abc.amf
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm1
tm1 SetName Hello1
tm1 SetTrackPoint 100 200
tm1 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm2
tm2 SetName Hello2
tm2 SetTrackPoint 400 300
tm2 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle CalculateTrackingData
v_handle GetBPCHandle bpc_handle
bpc_handle PlotForAllCurves w2
v_handle AddTrackingMarker tm3
tm3 SetName Hello3
tm3 SetTrackPoint 100 250
tm3 SetInitialFrameIndex 0
v_handle CalculateTrackingData
bpc_handle AddCurvesToExist w2
hwi ReleaseAllHandles
hwi CloseStack


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.


  • HyperWorks
  • MediaView
  • Tracing
  • Tracking System