tblITableEditor GetFilledTableDetails

Returns information about the table cells which are not empty.


tblITableEditor_handle GetFilledTableDetailsFilled Table Size Rows,Filled Table Size Columns,Filled Top Row Index,Filled Bottom Row Index,Filled Left Column Index,Filled Right Column Index,Filled Top Left Cell,Filled Bottom Right Cell


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command returns a list with the following information about the table cells which are not empty.


Filled Table Size Rows
Number of rows between the top and bottom row, which contain cell values.
Filled Table Size Columns
Number of columns between the left-most and right-most column, which contain cell values.
Filled Top Row Index
Row index of the top row, which contain cell values.
Filled Bottom Row Index
Row index of the bottom row, which contain cell values.
Filled Left Column Index
Column index of the left-most row, which contain cell values.
Filled Right Column Index
Column index of the right-most row, which contain cell values.
Filled Top Left Cell
Top left cell name with the column as name.
Filled Bottom Right Cell
Bottom right cell name with the column as name.


The following cells are filled in a table:

Figure 1.
The variable $tableDetailList created with the code below will be { 5 4 5 9 2 5 B5 E9}.
set t [hw::GetT]
set activetableHandle [hwi GetActiveClientHandle ch$t]
set tableDetailsList [$activetableHandle GetFilledTableDetails]


Success (0) or an error message is returned.