poIResultMathCtrl GetTableResourceList
Gets a list of resources which contain the specified table name.
rmath_handle GetTableResourceListtable_name
HyperView Tcl Query
This command returns a list of result module resources which contain the table by name "table_name". It is possible that a table with the same name exists in more than one resource. This command can be used to get a list of resources in which a particular table exists.
- table_name
- The name of the table.
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
set mid [client_handle AddResultMathAnalysis “c:/samples/bumper/d3plot” “c:/samples/bumper/d3plot”]
client_handle GetModelHandle model_handle $mid
model_handle GetResultCtrlHandle result_handle
result_handle GetResultMathCtrlHandle rmath_handle
set res_list [rmath_handle GetTableResourceList Stress]
hwi CloseStack
Returns an empty list if an error occurs.