poIQueryCtrl GetIteratorHandle

Creates and returns a handle to the QueryIterator object that allows you to iterate through query results.


poIQueryCtrl_handle GetIteratorHandlename


HyperView Tcl Query


This command creates and returns a handle to the QueryIterator object that allows you to iterate through query results.
Note: QueryIterator allows you to iterate query results one row at a time. QueryIterator is a snapshot of the Query Control object state and is only valid for the current model, current simulation, current query, and current selection set.


The name of the iterator handle.


proc QueryData {model selection query_string {output stdout}} {
    # get query control handle
    $model GetQueryCtrlHandle Query1
    # set query parameters
    Query1 SetQuery $query_string
    Query1 SetSelectionSet [$selection GetID]
    # query
    Query1 GetIteratorHandle iter1
    # output data ...........................
    if { $output == "stdout" } {
  # output to console
	while { [iter1 Valid] } 
	    puts [iter1 GetDataList]
     iter1 Next
    } else {
  # output to user-defined stream
  Query1 WriteData $output
    # cleanup
    iter1 ReleaseHandle
    Query1 ReleaseHandle


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code (HW_Error).