poIModel GetSelectionSetHandle
Retrieves the handle for a particular selection set.
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandlehandle locator
HyperView Tcl Query
This command retrieves the handle for a particular selection set defined by the argument locator. The selection set handle is used to perform modifications and/or query settings on the current selection set.
- handle
- The handle that is returned if no error occurs.
- locator
- The locator string used to uniquely identify the selection set. This can be just the ID of the set or a combination of the pool name and the ID of the set.
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetModelHandle model_handle [client_handle GetActiveModel]
set id [model_handle AddSelectionSet component]
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle selection_set_handle $id
set errorMsg [ session_handle GetError]
if {$errorMsg == ""} {
selection_set_handle SetLabel "OurSelectionSet1"
selection_set_handle Add all
puts "SelectionSet: [selection_set_handle GetLabel] "
puts " [selection_set_handle GetSize] [selection_set_handle GetType]s"
} {
puts "$errorMsg"
selection_set_handle ReleaseHandle
set id2 [model_handle AddSelectionSet element]
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle selection_set_handle $id2
selection_set_handle SetLabel "OurSelectionSet2"
selection_set_handle Add "id 1-100"
puts "SelectionSet: [selection_set_handle GetLabel] "
puts " [selection_set_handle GetSize] [selection_set_handle GetType]s"
selection_set_handle ReleaseHandle
set id3 [model_handle AddSelectionSet element]
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle selection_set_handle $id3
selection_set_handle SetLabel "OurSelectionSet3"
selection_set_handle Add "selectionset == $id2"
puts "SelectionSet: [selection_set_handle GetLabel] "
puts " [selection_set_handle GetSize] [selection_set_handle GetType]s"
selection_set_handle ReleaseHandle
puts "Current Selection Sets: [model_handle GetSelectionSetList]"
model_handle RemoveSelectionSet $id
puts "Selection Set $id removed…"
puts "Current Selection Sets: [model_handle GetSelectionSetList]"
# How to get a selection set handle if you have duplicate set IDs
# Sometimes in a model you will have selection sets with same IDs, but the pools
# may be different. For example assume that we have 2 sets with the same ID “1”, but belonging to different pools (say “Set” and “User_Set”
# Get Handle to set ID 1 belonging to set pool with label “Set”
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle set_h1 “Set 1”
# Get Handle to set ID 1 belonging to set pool with label “User_Set”
model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle set_h2 “User_Set 1”
hwi CloseStack