poIMeasure AddDynamicCurveToPlot
Adds a dynamic curve for this measure, using the specified y-axis, to the given plot client.
poIMeasure_handle AddDynamicCurveToPlotitem_idx y_axis plotwin
HyperView Tcl Modify
This command adds a dynamic curve for this measure, using the specified y-axis, to the given plot client.
- item_idx
- Measure item index (zero based).
- y_axis
- Measure option mapped to the plot's y-axis. Options include: mag, x_comp, y_comp, z_comp, and scalar.
- plotwin
- Plot window handle to which to add a curve.
page1 SetLayout 1
set window_idx 2
page1 GetWindowHandle win2 $window_idx
window2 SetClientType "Plot"
To create a distance between measures and plot it:
set measure_id [post1 AddMeasure]
post1 GetMeasureHandle m1 $measure_id
m1 SetType "distance between"
set model_id 1
m1 AddNode "$model_id 530"
m1 AddNode "$model_id 2985"
set measure_item_idx 0
m1 AddDynamicCurveToPlot $measure_item_idx "y_comp" window2
Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.