poICFD SetTerminationCriterion
Specifies the criterion for integration termination in the streamline creation in the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel.
poICFD_handle SetTerminationCriteriontermination_mode termination_value
HyperView Tcl Modify
- termination_mode
- The mode used to define the integration termination criterion. The valid modes are:
- max_length
- Used to limit the maximum length of an individual streamline. Valid values are any positive floats.
- max_num_steps
- Used to limit the total number of integration steps. Valid values are any non-zero nature numbers.
- terminate_speed
- Used to set the terminate speed. Allows you to inform HyperView to terminate the integration for the current streamline when the local speed (magnitude of velocity) is under a certain value, since such a speed is deemed as too slow to be meaningful for streamline creation. Note that terminate_speed specifies the speed as a percentage of the medium speed of the whole fluid field. You can get the medium speed from the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel by calling the GetMediumSpeed command The valid value range is from 0 - 100.
- termination_value
- The value used to define the integration termination criterion.
- "the length of the individual streamline should not exceed 10.5"
- "the total number of integration steps should not exceed 5000"
- "the terminate speed is 0.001% of the medium speed"
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetModelHandle model_handle [client_handle GetActiveModel]
model_handle GetResultCtrlHandle result_handle
result_handle GetCFDCtrlHandle CFD_handle
CFD_handle SetStreamLineColoredByMode seed
CFD_handle SetTerminationCriterion “Max_length” 10.5
CFD_handle SetTerminationCriterion “Max_num_steps” 5000
CFD_handle SetTerminationCriterion “Terminate_speed” 0.001
hwi CloseStack
Returns HW_InvalidArgs if the criterion mode specified is not supported, or if the criterion value is out of the valid range.