poICFD_rake SetIntegrationMode

Specifies the integration mode for the rake in the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel.


poICFD_rake_handle SetIntegrationModeintegration_mode


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command specifies the integration mode for the rake specified by the rake handle in the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel. The specified Integration_mode must be one of the supported modes. You can get a list of supported integration methods from the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel by using the GetIntegrationModeList command with a CFD Plot/Streamlines panel handle.


The integration mode for the streamline creation to be set.


To specify the integration for the rake to be generated along the velocity field direction:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetModelHandle model_handle [client_handle GetActiveModel]
model_handle GetResultCtrlHandle result_handle
result_handle GetCFDCtrlHandle CFD_handle
CFD_handle GetRakeHandle CFD_rake_handle [CFD_handle AddRake “line”]
CFD_rake_handle SetIntegrationMode "downstream"
hwi CloseStack


Returns HW_InvalidArgs if the integration_mode string specifies an unsupported method.