plt3DIPlot GetSurfaceHandle
Gets a pointer to a surface curve.
plt3DIPlot_handle GetSurfaceHandleiSurface index
HyperWorks Tcl Query
Gets a pointer to a surface curve.
- iSurface
- The name for the new handle.
- index
- The number of the curve.
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myWindowName GetClientHandle myPlotName
myPlotName GetSurfaceHandle mySurfaceName [myPlotName AddSurface]
mySurfaceName GetDataSourceHandle myXName x
mySurfaceName GetDataSourceHandle myYName y
mySurfaceName GetDataSourceHandle myZName z
mySurfaceName GetDataSourceHandle myUName u
mySurfaceName GetDataSourceHandle myWName w
myXName SetType math
myYName SetType math
myZName SetType math
myUName SetType math
myWName SetType math
myXName SetExpression {-50:50:0.3}
myYName SetExpression {-50:50:0.3}
myUName SetExpression {(x^2 + y^2)^0.5}
myZName SetExpression {sin(u/2*(1 + 0.01 * x)) / (u/2)*50}
myWName SetExpression {z}
myPlotName Recalculate
myPlotName Autoscale
myPlotName SetContourEnabled true
myPlotName Draw
Success (0) or an error code.