hwILayer SetAttribute
Sets the value of a given attribute for a layer.
hwILayer_handle SetAttributeattribute_name, attribute_value
HyperWorks Tcl Modify
When a layer's attribute is modified, all objects associated with that layer change. Currently, only curves, notes, and datum lines from the HyperGraph application are associated with layers.
- attribute_name
- The name of the attribute to be modified. Valid attributes include:
- linestyle
- linecolor
- linethickness
- symbolstyle
- symbolcolor
- attribute_value
- The new value of the attribute. Valid values depend on the attribute being set.
To change the color of a newly-added layer to red:
hwi GetSessionHandle mySession
mySession GetProjectHandle myProject
set layerID [myProject AddLayer]
myProject GetLayerHandle myLayer $layerID
myLayer SetAttribute linecolor 7
myLayer SetAttribute symbolstyle 3
Success (0) or an error code.
- 3 = HW_InvalidHandle
- The handle used to invoke the method is no longer valid.