
This command creates an entry widget associated with the data member handle specified. The widget will provide an interface for the String data member allowing the user to modify the stored string value. This widget does not link with an editbar. The associated data member value is set to exactly what is displayed in the widget.


::model::mdlStringEntry frmPathdmHandle


MotionView Tcl


This command creates an entry widget associated with the data member handle specified. The widget will provide an interface for the String data member allowing the user to modify the stored string value. This widget does not link with an editbar. The associated data member value is set to exactly what is displayed in the widget.


The frame where the mdlStringEntry widget will be created.
A handle to the string data member whose value will be displayed by the created widget.


::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity dshandle DataSet ds_0 "\"DataSet 0\"" ds_def_0
dshandle InterpretEntity dsshandle String dss_0 "\"DSstring0\"" 
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set w [::model::mdlStringEntry $colFrm.str dsshandle]
pack $w
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
dsshandle ReleaseHandle
dshandle ReleaseHandle


On successful execution of the command, it will create an mdlStringEntry widget.