Running HyperWorks in Batch Mode

  1. Go to the directory from which you want to run HyperWorks.
  2. From a Unix command line, or from a DOS command prompt, type hw.exe.
    You can include any of the following options on Unix and PC:
    Lists all supported arguments.
    The version date and time of build.
    If you launch the HyperWorks executable with the –version flag, but direct the output to a file, the version information is contained in the output file. For example:
    <INSTALL _PATH>/hw/bin/hw.exe –version >output.dat

    The file, output.dat, would contain all the version information.

    Waits for a key press instead of exiting immediately in batch mode. This does not have any effect in non-batch mode.
    Runs the application in batch mode. The application does not display the GUI and will exit immediately upon completion of any command line processing.

    Batch mode is typically used in conjunction with the –tcl filename option.

    For example, to start HyperWorks, execute myFile.tcl (without any display), and wait for a key press before exiting, enter the following:
    hw.exe –b –tcl myFile.tcl –wait
    -p mvw_file
    Prints all pages within the session file. Landscape is the default.
    –landscape -p mvw_file
    Prints all pages within the session file as landscape.
    –portrait -p mvw_file
    Prints all pages within the session file as portrait.
    For example, to print all pages within the session file as portrait, you would type the following at the command line:
    hw -portrait -p mvw_file
    -p mvw_file ps_file
    Reads the MVW session file and creates a post-script file to be printed separately.
    Note: Creating a post-script file is not supported on PC. Use hw –p mvw_file to print all pages to the default printer.
    Loads the mvw_file (session file) when starting a session.
    -tcl tcl_file
    Launches the product and executes the Tcl script.