Entity Editor

Use the Entity Editor section of the Results Browser to view and edit various entity conditions/properties.

Click on an entity in the upper portion of the browser to automatically display the properties assigned to that entity in the Entity Editor located in the lower half of the browser.
Note: The Model view must be active within the Results Browser in order to access the Entity Editor.

Figure 1.

The Entity Editor is turned on and displayed in the browser by default; however you can hide the editor by clicking on the show/hide toggle (located in the top right corner). In addition, the Entity Editor can be resized vertically and horizontally by clicking on the line that separates the editor from the browser or graphics area (note the double arrow) and dragging and releasing the mouse button once the desired height or width is reached.

The entity categories/properties that are displayed under the Name and Value headers will vary, depending upon the type of entity that is selected. Click on each supported entity (listed below) to view a list of properties that are available for editing.
Note: The categories/sections can be expanded/hidden within the Entity Editor by clicking on plus /minus icons located next to each category name.


Figure 2.


The ID of the component/part.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the component/part on/off in the modeling window.
The label of the component/part.
Restriction: This field is not editable.


Click the Color box to select a component/part color from the pop-up dialog.
ID Visibility
Activate/deactivate the display of the component/part ID using the check box.
FE Style
Select/change the element visualization mode of the component/part. The following options are available:
  • Wireframe Elements
  • Transparent Elements
  • Shaded Elements and Mesh Lines
  • Shaded Elements and Feature Lines
  • Shaded Elements
Use in fit
Activate the check box to scale the graphic to fit the window with respect to the selected entities in the animation.


Figure 3.


The ID of the measure group.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the measure group on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the measure group.
Select a measure type using the drop-down menu:
  • Distance Between
  • Incremental Distance
  • Minimum Distance
  • Position
  • Relative Displacement
  • Relative Angle
  • Angle Between
  • Incremental Angle
  • Circle Radius
  • Yaw Pitch Roll
  • Elemental Contour
Select/change the type of entity that will be added to a measure group using the input collector. You can also left click the collector to display the Select by ID dialog.
Note: For Minimum Distance measure groups, clicking in the field will display the Minimum Distance dialog. Use the input collectors to select From and To entities.
Display the Measure Items dialog. Click Delete to remove the selected items from the Measure Items list, or click Create Curves to display the Create Curves dialog. This dialog will remain active until it is closed.
Note: For Minimum Distance measure groups only, the Review mode button and the Edit button will also be displayed in the Measure Items dialog.


Display the Font Selector dialog which allows you to select the font type, font style, and font size.
Select a measure color.
ID Visibility
Display the measure group ID.
Display the measure group.
Display the system ID.
Display the magnitude value for the selected measure group.
Display the X value for the selected measure group.
Display the Y value for the selected measure group.
Display the Z value for the selected measure group.
True angle
Display the projected true angle onto the plane.
Restriction: Applicable only for angle type measures (Relative Angle, Angle Between, and Incremental Angle).
Display the projected true angle onto the plane, with the x-axis as the normal.
Restriction: Applicable only for angle type measures (Relative Angle, Angle Between, and Incremental Angle).
Display the projected true angle onto the plane, with the y-axis as the normal.
Restriction: Applicable only for angle type measures (Relative Angle, Angle Between, and Incremental Angle).
Display the projected true angle onto the plane, with the z-axis as the normal.
Restriction: Applicable only for a angle type measures (Relative Angle, Angle Between, and Incremental Angle).
Display the radius of the circle for the selected measure group.
Restriction: Applicable only for a Circle Radius measure.
Ctr X
Display the X-coordinate of the center of the circle for the selected measure group.
Restriction: Applicable only for a Circle Radius measure.
Ctr Y
Display the Y-coordinate of the center of the circle for the selected measure group.
Restriction: Applicable only for a Circle Radius measure.
Ctr Z
Display the Z-coordinate of the center of the circle for the selected measure group.
Restriction: Applicable only for a Circle Radius measure.


Change the resolved in system to a tracking system.
Resolved in
Select a system using the input collector. You can also hold down Shift and left click the collector to display the Select by ID dialog.


Activate/deactivate the transparency mode.
Auto hide
Hide the measure group box when the selected entities are not visible on the screen.
Select the Fixed or Scientific format from the drop-down menu.
Increase or decrease the precision level using the up/down arrows.
Select Degrees or Radians for the angle using the drop-down menu.


Figure 4.


The ID of the note.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the note on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the note.
Display the Note Text dialog. You can update the note text in the Description box by entering text directly, or by selecting a field name clicking Insert Field. You can also enter a Templex expression directly into the Description box.
Allows you to change the position of the note.
Attach Type
Select the anchoring method for note using the drop-down menu:
  • Window (*Default)
  • Entity
  • Coordinates
Once attached, notes can be positioned anywhere in the window.


Display the Font Selector dialog which allows you to select the font type, font style, and font size.
Select a note color.
Align Text
Select the text alignment (within the note box) from the drop-down menu:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Fill Color
Select a fill color for the note box. You must remove the check mark from the Fill Transparency option in order to select a fill color.
Fill Transparency
Remove the color from the note box and make it transparent against the window.
Border Color
Select a border color.
Border Thickness
Select the border line thickness for the note box from the drop-down menu:
  • 0 (no border)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Select the outline shape of the note:
  • Rectangle
  • Circle
  • Ellipse
Note: This is option is only available only in the Entity Editor (it is not available in the Notes panel).


Move to Entity
Position the note at the attachment location.
Note: This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu.
Activating the Move to entity check box will automatically override the Anchor to Screen option (if activated).
Auto Hide
Hide the note box when the entity that the note is attached to is not visible on the screen.
Screen Anchor
Keep the note stationary during animation or when manipulating the model view (rotating, zooming, etc.).
Note: This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu.


Figure 5.


Current Entity Editor support for Properties is limited to viewing only.
The ID of the property.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
The label of the property.
Restriction: This field is not editable.

Section Cuts

The Entity Editor displays planar and spherical section cuts.
Tip: You can use the browser context menu to complete a variety of tasks such as; creating a new planar or spherical section cut, editing existing section cuts (planar only), renaming or deleting existing section cuts, etc.

Whenever a section cut is selected in the Results Browser, the manipulator will be active and ready to be edited.

Section Cuts - Planar

Figure 6.


The ID of the section cut.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
The section cut type (Planar).
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the section cut on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the section cut.
Click to display the Section Plane dialog, which allows you to change/define the plane of the section cut.
Specifies the x, y, and z coordinates of the base point of the section cut plane.
Specifies the direction cosines of the normal of the section cut plane.


Cross Section Only
Display a cross section of the section cut.
Clip Above
When activated, the portion of the model along the positive side of the section plane’s normal will be clipped.
Allow the section cut to be deformed, along with the components, during animation.

When this option is selected, a time step/frame number is added next to the section cut label in the Results Browser and in the Section Cut panel.

Cross Section Width
Adjust the width of the cross section using the slider bar. The Cross Section Only check box (see above) must be activated in order for the slider bar to be displayed.
Clip Elements
Display the elements of the clipped part of the model.
Show Section Color
Change the section cut color.
Section Color
Select a color from the palette. The Show Section Color check box (see above) must be activated in order for the selected color to be displayed.
Display the grid lines in the modeling window.
Grid Text
Display the grid line text in the modeling window.
Grid Text Precision
Select the precision to be used for the grid line text value using the combo box.
Grid Line Space X
Change the spacing of the grid lines along the section plane's x direction
Grid Line Space Y
Change the spacing of the grid lines along the section plane's y direction


Feature Lines
Display the feature lines of the clipped part of the model.
Display the clipped part of the model as a transparent surface.

Section Cuts - Spherical


The ID of the section cut.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
The section cut type (Spherical).
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the section cut on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the section cut.
Center Node
Click to display the Node collector, which allows you to adjust the position of the base point of the section cut to the center node.
Specifies the x, y, and z coordinates of the base point of the section cut. Click in the field to manually enter in coordinates if desired.
Specifies the radius of the spherical section cut. Click in the field to manually adjust the radius of the sphere


Cross Section Only
Display a cross section of the section cut.
Clip Inside
Displays the cross section of the section cut inside the sphere when unchecked.
Displays a sphere.
Allow the section cut to be deformed, along with the components, during animation.

When this option is selected, a time step/frame number is added next to the section cut label in the Results Browser.

Show Section Color
Change the section cut color.
Section Color
Select a color from the palette. The Show Section Color check box (see above) must be activated in order for the selected color to be displayed.
Clip elements
Display the elements of the clipped part of the model.


Feature Lines
Display the feature lines of the clipped part of the model.
Display the clipped part of the model as a transparent surface.
Note: Spherical section cuts are not displayed in the Section Cuts list in the Section Cut panel.


Figure 7.


The ID of the set.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the set on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the set.
Entity IDs
Lists the number of entities in the active set. Click in the field to activate the input collector, which allows you to select/change the entity type of a set. You can also hold down Shift and left click the collector to display the Extended Entity Selection dialog.


Select/change the color of the feature lines of the entities in a set using the color box and palette.
ID Visibility
Display the IDs of entities in a set/group.
Draw Style
Select the drawing style for the active set using the input collector:
  • shaded (for Component sets only)
  • wire (for Component or Element sets only)
  • point (for Node sets only)
  • sphere (for Node sets only)
Draw Size
Change the thickness of the wire and the size of the point/sphere drawing for the active set.

Model Files

Figure 8.


The ID of the model file.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the note on/off in the modeling window.
Small deformation
Activate to change the elemental system definition for transient results. The elemental system will be defined using model simulation step coordinates instead of current simulation step coordinates.
Result files
Click in the value field to bring up the Result File List dialog that displays the list of result files associated with the model.


Select/change the color of the model using the color box and palette.
Activate/deactivate to turn the model gradient on/off.
Color By
Select the color by mode for the selected model using the drop-down menu:
  • component
  • model
  • normal
  • part


No of Nodes
The number of nodes contained in the selected model.
No of Elements
The number of elements contained in the selected model.
No of Components
The number of components contained in the selected model.

Parts View - Components

Figure 9.
Edits of part and component attributes can be made for a single component or multiple components. If a component is selected, the Entity Editor displays component specific attributes.


The ID of the part assembly.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the part assembly on/off in the modeling window.
Click in the field to change the label of the part assembly.


Click the Color box to select a part assembly color from the pop-up dialog.
ID Visibility
Activate/deactivate the display of the part assembly ID using the check box.
FE Style
Select/change the element visualization mode of the part assembly. The following options are available:
  • Wireframe Elements
  • Transparent Elements
  • Shaded Elements and Mesh Lines
  • Shaded Elements and Feature Lines
  • Shaded Elements
Use In Fit
Activate the check box to scale the graphic to fit the window with respect to the selected entities in the animation.

Parts View - Parts/Part Assemblies

Figure 10.
Edits of part and component attributes can be made for a single component or multiple components. If a component is selected, the Entity Editor displays component specific attributes.

Certain representation data and PDM data attributes displayed in the Entity Editor correspond to the columns displayed in the pane above the Entity Editor in the Results Browser. This information is read only.


Displays attributes that are unique to the part or assembly.

Parts and part assemblies require a unique name and a unique identifier (UID), both of which can contain alphanumeric characters. The UID is an optional field that is utilized in part representation management and import model entity management. For example, when merging a component with a part (module), the two entities will be matched using the UID if it exists. If a UID does not exist, merging will be based on the part name.

The name of the component/part.
The ID of the component/part.
Click the Color box to select a component/part color from the pop-up dialog.
The unique ID of the component/part.
Activate/deactivate the check box to turn the display of the component/part on/off in the modeling window.

Representation Data

Displays attributes that are specific to a part representation.
These attributes are non-editable at the part level.
Note: Material and Property information is only available when loading result data using the Advanced Result-Math template.
The name of the representation
Representation File
The location of the representation file.
Component ID
The component ID.
Property ID
The property ID.
Material ID
The material ID.
Material Name
The name of the material.


Displays the 4 x 3 transformation matrix of a part, namely its translation, rotation, and scaling.
These attributes are non-editable.

PDM Data

Displays PDM attributes.
PDM Material
PDM Material
PDM Thickness
PDM Thickness
PDM Revision
PDM Revision

Image Planes

Figure 11.


The ID of the image plane.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
The label of the image plane.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Turn the display of the image plane on/off in the modeling window.
The path of the image plane file.
Restriction: This field is not editable.
Activate to zoom the image plane along with the model.