The morphing capabilities of Engineering Solutions enable you to generate new designs based on an existing mesh, in a simple and quick manner, and can be accessed via the Morphing option in the menu bar of the CFD user profile. By specifying deformable regions on the mesh (MorphVolumes, green boxes in the image below) the included nodes/cells are allowed to deform. Moving the corner nodes of the MorphVolumes (red dots in the image below) deforms the included mesh part in a smooth manner and defines a new design. By scaling the mesh deformation, a variety of new designs can be defined.
Morph volumes
Different approaches to mesh morphing that are well suited for CFD applications are available. A wide range of constraints are provided to restrict the movement of nodes during morphing, for example to deal with non-matching interfaces or to preserve the boundary layer thickness. The following section gives a short description of some morphing capabilities well suited for CFD applications.