All translations are fixed, all rotations are free.
All translations and rotations are fixed.
Rotation about a single selected axis is free, other rotations and translations are fixed.
Translation along a single selected axis is free, other translations and rotations are fixed.
Translation along and rotation about a single selected axis is free, other translations and rotations are fixed.
Rotations about two selected perpendicular axes are free, translations and other rotations are fixed.
Constant Vel
Rotations about two selected axes are equal and opposite, translations and other rotations are fixed.
Translations on a plane defined by a selected normal vector and the rotation about that normal vector are free, out-of-plane translations and rotations are fixed.
Translation along a single selected axis and all rotations are free, other translations are fixed.
Two perpendicular axes are selected that are always to remain perpendicular. Therefore rotations about both selected axes and all translations are free. Rotation about the cross-product of the two selected vectors is fixed.
Parallel Axis
Two parallel axes are selected that are always to remain parallel. Therefore rotations about the selected parallel axes and all translations are free, other rotations are fixed.
Two perpendicular vectors are selected that describe a plane. Out-of-plane translations are fixed, all other translations and rotations are free.
All rotations are fixed, all translations are free.
Point to Curve
Defines a higher pair joint where a fixed node on a body is required to slide along a fixed curve. The node is not allowed to lift off the curve.
Curve to Curve
Defines a higher pair joint consisting of a 3D curve fixed on one body rolling and sliding on a 3D curve fixed on a second body. The curves are required to have a unique point of contact and a common tangent at that point of contact.
Point to Deformable Curve
Defines a higher pair joint where a fixed node on a body is required to slide along a deformable curve consisting of nodes that may be attached to different bodies.
Point to Deformable Surface
Defines a higher pair joint where a fixed node on a body is required to slide along a deformable surface consisting of nodes that may be attached to different bodies.
Please refer to the Altair OptiStruct documentation for more details on the joint entity and how to define it.