Use the Bodies panel to create, review and update group entities. The Bodies panel is only available when the Altair OptiStruct user profile is loaded. These group entities directly correspond to Altair OptiStruct body definitions; rigid body (type = PRBODY), flexible body (type = PFBODY) and ground body (type = GROUND).
Subpanels and Inputs
The Bodies panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:
Use the Create subpanel to create a new body definition for the Altair OptiStruct MBD solution sequence.
Panel Inputs
Type a name for the new body in this field, or select an existing body by double-clicking body = and selecting the desired body.
Select a type from the pop-up list. There are three body types to choose from:
Please refer to Altair OptiStruct documentation for more details on the body types.
body color
Choose a color for the new body.
properties: props
To include elements in the body being created, use the props selector to pick properties referenced by elements.
rigids: elems
Use the elems selector to choose rigid (RBAR, RROD, RBE2, RBE3), or mass (CONM2) elements for inclusion in the new body.
free nodes: nodes
Use the nodes selector to pick additional free nodes for inclusion in the body being created.
CMS Method
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. Use it to choose the type of Component Mode Synthesis to perform while creating of the flexible body.
Click the toggle to switch between the Craig-Bampton and Craig-Chang methods.
frequency upper bound
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. A default upper boundary for the frequency is determined automatically. To use a specific upper boundary instead, change the toggle to ub_freq = and type in the desired upper bound.
You only need to define frequency upper bound or number of modes (see next entry), not both.
number of modes
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. A default number of modes is determined automatically. To use a specific number instead, change the toggle to nmodes = and type in the desired number of modes.
You only need to define frequency upper bound (see previous entry) or number of modes, not both.
Use the Update subpanel to update a body definition for the Altair OptiStruct Multi-Body Dynamics solution sequence.
Panel Inputs
Type a name for the new body in this field, or select an existing body by double-clicking body = and selecting the desired body.
Select a type from the pop-up list. There are three body types to choose from:
Please refer to Altair OptiStruct documentation for more details on the body types.
body color
Choose a color for the new body.
properties: props
To include elements in the body being created, use the props selector to pick properties referenced by elements.
rigids: elems
Use the elems selector to choose rigid (RBAR, RROD, RBE2, RBE3), or mass (CONM2) elements for inclusion in the new body.
free nodes: nodes
Use the nodes selector to pick additional free nodes for inclusion in the body being created.
CMS Method
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. Use it to choose the type of Component Mode Synthesis to perform while creating of the flexible body.
Click the toggle to switch between the Craig-Bampton and Craig-Chang methods.
frequency upper bound
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. A default upper boundary for the frequency is determined automatically. To use a specific upper boundary instead, change the toggle to ub_freq = and type in the desired upper bound.
You only need to define frequency upper bound or number of modes (see next entry), not both.
number of modes
This selector only appears when PFBODY is the chosen type. A default number of modes is determined automatically. To use a specific number instead, change the toggle to nmodes = and type in the desired number of modes.
You only need to define frequency upper bound (see previous entry) or number of modes, not both.
Use the Parameters subpanel to add or update additional but nonessential information to a body definition for the Altair OptiStruct Multi-Body Dynamics solution sequence.
Panel Inputs
Type a name for the new body in this field, or select an existing body by double-clicking body = and selecting the desired body.
Once you select a body, the rest of the subpanel are populated with the appropriate entry controls.
flex nodes
Use the flex nodes selector to specify one or more nodes.
2. | Use the dof checkboxes to. |
You can also remove interface nodes from the body definition:
1. | Use the flex nodes selector to specify one or more nodes. |
2. | Click remove. This deselects all degrees of freedom. |
Specify the appropriate degrees of freedom for the selected nodes.
do not determine interface nodes automatically
This checkbox prevents automatic determination of flexible body interface nodes, so that you can specify them yourself.
You can define a critical damping ratio in place of default damping for flexible bodies by changing the toggle to dval =, and typing in the desired ratio.
The selected body’s total mass. This overrides computations based on material and property information that would otherwise occur.
lxx, lyy, lzz, lxy, lxz, lyz
Explicitly define the selected body’s values. This overrides computation based on material and property information that would otherwise occur.
global system/ local system
Select the coordinate system to which the defined moments of inertia are related.
Choose the location of the center of gravity by selecting a grid point in the display, or double-click COG to type in the coordinates.
The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:
Creates the new body using the specified settings.
Click review after selecting the body to enter a body review mode. In this mode the body’s constituent entities display in red while selected flex-nodes of a flexible body display in blue. The remaining model is drawn in gray.
This review mode is a temporary graphics mode; you can exit out of the "body review mode" by clicking review again or leaving the panel. While in "body review mode", use review opts to customize the graphical review of the bodies:
• | force transparency view: When turned on, displays the entities that are not part of the body in a transparent view so that the entities in the body can be easily viewed. |
• | Gray color view/element color view: When gray color view is selected, the entities that are not part of the body are all displayed in a gray color, improving the highlighting of the master and slave entities. When element color is selected, the entities that are not part of the body are displayed in their original element color. |
• | display entities: Turn the display of body entities on/off while in the review mode. |
card image
See the card image for the selected body.
Update the selected body definition with your new settings.
update color
Update only the body color. All other settings remain unchanged, even if you changed them in this panel.
Exit the panel.
See Also:
Alphabetical List of Panels